Blessings Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints,
The following Sunday teaching was sent to me by a faithful KW. Thank you Nicole. I agree with her comments. This is one of the best teachings/sermon/preaching on the Biblical foundation for the church to be involved in the government (politics) of its country. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.
A couple of months ago I recommended Pauline scholar, NT Wright’s and NT scholar, Michael Byrd book, n urgent call for Christians everywhere to explore the nature of the kingdom amid the political upheaval of our day. Should Christians be politically withdrawn, avoiding participation in politics to maintain their prophetic voice and to keep from being used as political pawns? Or should Christians be actively involved, seeking to utilize political systems to control the levers of power? This is call to Christians everywhere to discern the nature of Christian witness in fractured political environments. Amazon blurb
Another great book on the church’s role is Eric Metaxas’s Letter to the American Church. In an earnest and searing wake-up call, the author of the bestseller Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy warns of the haunting similarities between today’s American church and the German church of the 1930s. Echoing Bonhoeffer’s prophetic call, Eric Metaxas exhorts his fellow Christians to repent of their silence in the face of evil before it is too late.
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.
God will not hold us guiltless.” Amazon blurb
Send this on…. 7 million Christians do not vote!
Love & Light, Janet
Church, Unite for the Soul of America! | Ezekiel 33:1-5 | Gary Hamrick | Cornerstone Chapel
Biblical basis for the church to be involved in the governmental process. Advancing the Kingdom. Becoming sheep nations.