Blessings Glorious Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intecessors,
Today is the 400th Anniversary of the signing of the Mayflower Compact. Nov 11, 1620. My ancestors were part of the courageous Separatist Christians who sailed over on the Mayflower; they are signers of the Mayflower Compact and Declaration of Independence. It has been through dreams, encounters, audible words and much prayer over the years that I have gained a deep understanding of the importance of this first written civil compact/covenant of government that the Pilgrims wrote and signed on Nov 11, 1620. That short document was the foundation for the New England Alliance (Plymouth Colony, Mass Bay Colony, Hartford Colony and New Haven Colony. The roots/foundation of the Mayflower Document flows through the Fundamental Orders of CT, the first Constitution and into the Declaration of Independence. It is of course based on Biblical principles.
Please note the two prayer meetings in Plymouth tomorrow that will be available live stream at 1 pm and then a conference call with Jon & Jolene at 9:00 pm.
Also below are promises the Lord blessed me with.
Love & Light, Janet
- This was receive in March 1999. In the dream I am sitting on the edge of a roof in heaven overlooking a very large amphitheater. There is something that is about to happen, to unfold. I hear audibly the following riddle.
Pray sit here and plug into Me.
Lend the Land to Israel.
Make reasonable requests unto Her.
To the portals of my mother
Enter God’ s army.
For the land is yours.
This was received during intense times for revival and awakening in 1999 for NE. During this season I received several prophetic dreams for NE, NY including dreams that pertained to Plymouth Colony and the Mayflower. This riddle is a promise to the church that this land is ours. The Pilgrims saw the land, this vast country, that they settled in Plymouth as their promise land. It was a parable of the promise God made to the Israelites. All creation and land belongs to the Lord. He lends it to us. We are leaseholders of God’s land. God’s army is coming through the portals of the church (mother). The land is ours; the Lord leased it to the Pilgrims through that Mayflower Compact. Over these 21 years I was shown in dreams the scenarios that would take place over these 20 years. When I heard these words audibly and all the dream encounters that followed over the years, the drama of these 20 years was being revealed to me. It is all that we, our ancestors and cloud of witnesses have prayed into over the years. - In another dream encounter I saw the Mayflower, the Massachusetts state flower, in heaven. My mother, a gardener and ancestor, was trying to dig up this flower in heaven. She was perplexed because she could not dig up the flower. On waking and praying I was shown that she could not dig it up. It was an eternal flower planted in heaven. The flower had 2 buds. They had not blossomed yet. There was the promise here that the fruit of this Mayflower (Compact/Government) was just a bud. It would blossom into a flower. The two buds represented the white English and the Native Americans. A subsequent dream encounter depicted reconciliation between the English early settlers and the Native American. This has happened over the years. The promise in this dream was that when this reconciliation was completed that there would be an Elijah Revolution.
- September 2007 – I am seeing in the upper foreground a ship and I see and hear the words as if from a distance (time) MAYFLOWER. Then I am seeing 3 treasure boxes rising up out of what could be the ground, but isn’t the ground it is the floor or heaven, (trading floor) The boxes as they rise up are 3 sides straight lines and the top is curved. They are white light in color, made of eternal substance, not really matter or earth type substance. They white light boxes were rising up and/or a darker obscure substance was folding down under and around them that was lifting them up and out. It contrasted to such an extent that the white light boxes were startling and blinding.
Interpretation Notes: The setting of this vision within a dream was a huge banquette; I was helping, organizing, serving with others. There were multitudes of people showing up.
Pondering on this on waking, I am told the boxes are treasure chests in heaven. They were rising up like buried treasures being shoved up from below. (the darker earthly land color) There was so much fire/light/God in me when I woke from this vision, that revelation lightening strikes are bombarding my mind: clearly the boxes are treasure chests. There are 3 of them. There are 3 treasures in the spirit that are coming out of these treasure chests of revelation pertaining to the Mayflower Compact and Plymouth community. (Even as I am writing this now the same fire, light and glory of the Lord is all around.)
The three treasures in the Spirit that will manifests in the natural (all shown dreams, visions, etc.)
- The Army of God. A three generational cross cultural army. It is rising up now in the church.
Make reasonable requests unto her (land, spiritual Israel). Through the portals of my mother (spiritual Israel, the church, one new Man). Enter God’s army (us, revival, shot heard around the world, Kingdom Revolution, Apostolic Church) - Reconciliation with the Native American Indians brings forth an Elijah Revolution, prophetic power and authority. This has been taking place over the years thanks to HAPN & GZI
- The mayflower is an eternal flower in heaven. The buds are about to burst open into a beautiful flower.
It has taken 400 years to be where we are today. The eteranal mayflower buds in heaven are just beginning to blossom. The destiny and inheritance of America, the democratic republic will come forth. The saints are marching on. It will happen in the Lord’s perfect time and in His perfect way. Trust Him. Rest in Him even in the midst of chaos. As we come to understand and know who we are, Christ in us the hope of Glory, this country continues to turn. We, the army, are the revival, awakening, reformation, restoration. The Elijah Revolution. The true Kingdom Revolution. Just like Jesus … radical Kingdom revolutionaries. It was always the Lord’s intent for America to forerun Kingdom.
NOV 11 Covenantal re-dedication of the nation
CALL WEDNESDAY! 9PM ET NOV. 11, Live from Plymouth MA. Hosted by Jon & Jolene with Chris Mitchell, Lori Perz, others. Conference Call: (605) 313-5156 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Remember pre-conference call prayer begins at 8:45pm For more info