Blessings Kingdom Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors,
Great insights from Jon & Jolene. Please note that free live streaming is available; put this on your calendar. Note this culminates the 21 day fast on unseating and seating prophsied by Chuck Pierce (info sent out on this a week or so ago).
This is important for what is happening in our country now. As Jon says, “Get seated in a new way, this is a Government Convocation”. We are in the unseating process now. Today I was seeing how the enemy spirits of Baal, Lev and Jez over this country is affecting leaders of demonic systems right down to individuals with a spirit of stubbornness (>rebellion>witchcraft (jex/lev)). This is being exposed and it is being unseated now; we have seen it for years, it is unfolding and the Light has been exposing it. Now is the beginning of it being unseated, particularly in the national government since the debate. We have seen the Lord performing His word as it has already begun in the church with the exposure and falling of leaders in the church. The unseating makes room for new seating. We have been in a season of REST, spending time with the Lord and His Word. Hearing and seeing what the Lord is doing. Understanding this unseating and seating process is essential for receiving the Lord’s AP PR strategic decrees and actions for the next few months as we about to enter the voting season. This clearly a hugely important election for this country.
Love & Light, Janet
From Lamplighter Ministries, Jon & Jolene Hamill
This turn around Tuesday session is prophetic in nature particularly re TEXAS