RSVP: Please hit reply with a YES, if you are attending. Note fellowship byol (bring your own lunch) Drinks, fruit, chocolate served.
Blessings Glorious Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Saints,
This is the 3rd and last watchmen prophet series for this season. As you know we have been going deeper into the knowledge and understanding of the prophetic and revelatory realms. There has been soooo much happening in the last month that we need to be aware of. Chuck Pierce has has released some major prophetic words that are particularly relevant to we watchmen – seers – prophets | prayer warriors. This is the Lord speaking and showing us His heart. Our prayers, decrees, strategies are built on what Abba Father is saying. As Chuck has prophesied and some of us have seen/heard, it is very clear that there is a war over and for this country and the freedom and truth that our forefathers fought for in various battles and wars in the past 400 years. That revolutionary Spirit in our DNA, particularly here in the northeast/13 Colonies where the Revolutionary War was fought, is deep in us and in the land. It is rising up everywhere in ungodly and lawless ways. We need to understand from God’s perspective and harness this victorious warrior monk DNA for the Kingdom Revolution in this state and land. We are maturing and learning to be strong, courageous. We stand on the Word of the Lord. We have been prepared for such a time as this.
Come out, move and join us for this time of deeper prophetic understanding of the times and season we are heading into. Plus fellowship, worship, strategy, prayer/decrees this Saturday, May 4, 11 – 5. We will go deep into Chuck’s words. This is Key for all of us so we come into agreement with the Lord. It will lay a foundation for mobilizing prayer, decrees, initiatives. We will prepare for the continued shaking. We will mobilize in prayer and be the triumphant reserve end time army that not only overcomes personally, but also mobilizes prayer and decrees for our towns, cities, state and nation to shift the Kingdom and all the Lord desires for this nation. We are the LIGHT. And we multiply and expand the Kingdom by being light, by being all the fruit of the Spirit, being the gifts, operating in and under the seven fold Spirit. Our state of being is Love. God is love. We are love. Any dark, negative thinking, emotions, actions dims and darkens the Light of Christ in us. Kingdom Watchmen, this is the time to come together in unity, as one, to hear, see, learn, decree, pray, strategize, to be the disciplined army and forerunners – the sons and Bride that attracts ALL those Jesus died for to HIM.
Please try to make it this Saturday. Your town, city, CT, NE, USA need us to be the radical revolutionary prophetic army of the Lord. The prophetic words are unfolding now. Many of you have called and/or emailed me with prophetic words. These need to be shared, decreed and prayed into. There will be time to share and released in the worship, prayer, strategy workshop in the afternoon.
Love & Light, Janet