June 25, 2016
Blessings Faithful Glorious Praying/Interceding Saints,
The Elijah whirlwind is moving in the heavenlies. Huge shifts and changes. The Brexit vote! The lawlessness in our national government erupting for all to see as TV shows what is happening in House of Representatives floor via Periscope with a newscaster actually manipulating and controlling a Democratic Representative that he is interviewing on face time. The Lord, His Light, is illuminating the disorder and chaos, darkness, in the governments of the world. Light and Sound exposes, pierces and disperses the darkness. We are the Light! We are the Sound/Voice of the Lord! The Lord’s children, His Sons, His Army, His Bride – the grassroots – is rising up strong.
The Elijah whirlwind that carries His mantle from the Lord brings forth mighty God shifts. In obedience to the Word of the Lord, Elijah proclaims a drought in the Lord’s timing, declares rain is coming, confronts Ahab, Jezebel and the false prophets on MT Carmel, topples high places of Baal, Jez, Lev (evil high places), re-establishes and restores God’s rule, then intercedes and calls for the rain. It took 3 generations to rid the land of that evil rule. We are in this process of the Lord restoring His Government, His Kingdom here on earth. It takes time for that to be fulfilled. Meantime we continue to intercede in agreement with the Lord’s plan, His blueprint for the nation.
We are beginning to hear the rain and watch for the cloud over various regions, states, nations. It is the Lord’s promise of restoration. In our Thursday, 5:00 pm Kingdom Watchmen prayer meeting, we are practicing going higher and deeper in communion with Him. As we do this we see in the natural the signs of glory rain, the army of dry bones rattling and rising up carrying the Glory, His Presence, His Light, His Sound. It is releasing everywhere we go. It is Faith alive and well and believing God. By faith we enter in and go higher. We see as the Lord of heaven sees. We look again and see. There is always restoration.
Below is our next gathering information, prophetic words of encouragement and some testimonies of the beginnings of the fulfillment of these words for CT, NE and USA. Be not afraid. Keep moving with the Acts 2 Holy Spirit mighty wind and catch that revival mantle. Revival is just the beginning of the awakening, transformation, reformation and restoration. Revival begins the process.
Love & Light in Christ, Janet
PS: Yes, I know this particular blog is long. I had been gathering thoughts and info for two weeks waiting on confirmation of the next KWKF gathering date. There are several good encouraging words for all of us. Let of the past and move forward.
Content of this Prophecy Prayer Blog
- KAWF Revival Gathering this summer: Sat, July 23, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
- Chuck Pierce Word for CT, June 2015 & beginning of fulfillment
- Brexit is good for England:
- Lana Vowser Word for USA & Intercessors, “Marked for a Miracle”
- Lana Vowser Word for Prophets/Watchmen of His Heart, Tidal Wave Encounters
- Lance Wallnau, Breaking the Cycle of Familiar Spirits: for those of you who have enquired about Cleansing of the Bloodlines. This article is a good beginning.
- Abandon Ship Carton & Quote (scroll down – it is a fun cartoon – lol like the Lord in Psalm 2)
Saturday, July 23rd, 1:00 – 5:00 pm
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This KWKF Gathering will be worship and revival prayers, decrees, prophesies for the first portion. Then we will BE REVIVAL. Christ in us the hope of Glory. Revival is in us. We are a mature group who have experienced revival. We carry it. So after worship and prayer, we are going to release it – BE REVIVAL. GLORY FIRE REVIVAL. So come with a word, scripture, prophecy, deliverance, healing in your hands, miracles, repentance, travail, word of knowledge, a song, a prophetic act, impartation. Those of you who are equipped, which is most of you, will minister to each other and to others. Revival is participatory. No just sitting in the pew/chair like a bump on a log. Come prepared, hungry and thirsty to enter in and engage.
It all begins with Revival- His Presence -His Will- His Burning Fire. Then it moves to Awakening to Transformation to Reformation to Restoration. The Army of the Lord, the Apostolic burning Hubs to train and equip the Army to release the Glory Fire everywhere increases and multiplies. The invisible Government of God that the apostolic five fold establishes is what sustains this end time move of the Lord. The Apostolic will sustain it. The consuming fire of the Lord is free to clean, sanctify, impart and activate the Burning Ones in the God built Apostolic five fold structure of Divine Order. It is a safe firey environment where the dry bones rise up as the Love Flaming Fire Light Army of the Lord. It is His Kingdom functioning in various centers on the earth. Sons and the corporate Bride rise up together in unity each knowing their part, hearing and seeing what the Father is doing. It is the corporate/army “GO” of God. The other night during listening, hearing, seeing prayer one of the youth saw the whale spitting her out of its mouth like Jonah. The whale is the state animal of CT. It is time now to rise up and come out of the disobedience of hiding out in the belly of the whale (prison). It is time now to “GO” and repent for your city, region, town. Either we rise up and GO or the Kingdom of Darkness will overtake this passivity. You are free to be Revival. Holy Spirit in you is tired of being trapped in prisons of our own making.
“For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
Chuck Pierce Word for Connecticut, June 15, 2015 at Aligned for His Glory New Jersey Gthering at King of Kings Worship Center
You (Janet) had to be here because it is time the marching in the land of God’s angelic hosts and its people gather together. I don’t know anything that is going on in CT, Janet, but God says the enemy has tried to routinize the army, but the Lord says that routine is going to come to an end. He’s going to start gathering that army in unprecedented ways in a different form in different ways and you will come together and worship in a new way. So get ready. I brought you here to announce that the army in Connecticut will start rising up and gathering and worshiping and causing the nation to receive the river of renewal that will come out of Connecticut.
Rick/Wellspring has led, continued and evolved with “10 Days” worship during the 10 Days of Awe each fall since 2013 and those prophetic words over CT. Note that the Word above from Chuck for CT was given one year ago. Over this past year the Lord, Himself, has begun to start gathering His army in new creative ways to gather and worship. Spontaneously various worship gatherings are taking place all over the state. The summit meeting for those interested in participating in “10 Days” this fall has multiplied exponentially. All the different ethnic cultures, three generations of age groups and many different streams and denominations were gathered for fellowship, worship, prophesy and short teachings. Glimpses of the invisible apostolic government (divine order) and five fold recognition was discernable. These Isssachar words from Chuck have happened and continue to happen, in spite of resistance. The ecclesia in CT is coming forth and moving forward with the Spirit of God to receive the Ancient of Days, the Lord’s Government. A critical mass is forming in the heavenlies and here on earth to bring us into the river of renewal for the nations. Recall the last prophetic prayer blog: it is the destiny and inheritance of CT. It is in the land. Revival, Awakening, Transformation, Reformation, Restoration is a product of CT like the blueprint design and building warships of the deep waters and of the air. As Watchmen we see, hear, pray/commune, say/prophesy, GO and continue to look and watch to see the Lord perform His word. It is happening. The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. All honor and glory is the Lord’s.
Chuck Pierce & GOZ Team Word, Sunday, June 26th
40 Days to Review Prophetic Revelation: Opening Your Path for the Future!
STRETCH OUT YOUR HAND AND RECEIVE A NEW MEASURING ROD!Without a Vision (Prophetic Revelation) a People Perish!
We war with the prophetic words that are sent from heaven. These words cut through the atmosphere! The Words from the Lord reform the earthly blueprint that our enemy is developing to conform us to his will (Romans 12:1-2). These words transform our mind to think like God. These words reveal the will of God for our lives! Beginning on July 5, 2016, for 40 days, each day we will send you a paragraph of prophetic revelation received since Passover, leading up to Pentecost, and pressing us toward and through the Dire Straits which begin in July and continue into August, ending on the 9th of AV (Aug 13)!
Here is the word that come forth this past Sunday!
“Stretch out your hand for there is a new cord of measurement that I am putting in your hand. You have measured one way the boundaries for your life, but now I’m measuring another way. I am giving you an enlarged, elongated cord that will set a new course for the direction that I have for you.
“Many of you have had words from years ago, and you saw that word come to be, but it took ages and ages and ages. This is the day that I am speeding up My anointing and My agreement between heaven and earth. There’s an anointing of the ages coming down, an anointing of the ages. As the Ancient of Days, I am releasing wisdom and understanding over My people. The prophetic movement and the healing movement are about to join hands in a way that this earth has never seen.
“I am giving you a new portion of strength and boldness for this hour. I have laid it before you so step, step, step into the boldness, into My strength, and into the timing. In stepping in, you will see doors open that have been closed to you for years. I am the One going before you to open the doors. Be bold and strong for I have called you into this season to rise up as warriors in My Kingdom.
“I am putting a cord in your hand – even like those that have been snakes around you. Like Moses, you will now reach down and pick it up, and it will become your new rod of authority which will stretch beyond what you’ve known.”
Three weeks ago when the Lord said, “GOLD” and I shared to watch the Gold market carefully. The Lord is now showing me something new that was coming in waves, and how this is our time to diversify and multiply. This is a key time to listen very carefully, and to move beyond standard routines or expectations so you can hear what He’s saying this very week. Those who are willing to listen in a new way will begin to understand why He is directing you the way He’s directing you, and how He is setting the course for what He’s calling you to do. To diversify is to change something so that it is multifaceted and what you have been doing is different and composed of distinct or unlike elements or qualities! Diversity balances! To multiply is to increase greatly in number.
( The above is most interesting. Three weeks ago we began to see and hear in a new way at our Kingdom Watchmen Thursday, 5:00 pm weekly prayer gathering. And this afternoon we saw the setting of the glory course into the multifaceted levels/dimensions)
“There is a portal that’s coming down on your path this week. This portal is in front of you, and if you’re not seeing with the eyes of faith, then you are going to miss it. This is a season to not hesitate. Even as I am calling you to diversify and multiply, if you hesitate you’ll miss your moment. Even in investments – if I tell you to invest in something new, you’d better jump in and not miss your moment. I will keep you from losing what you would have lost if you’d waited one moment too long.
“Make sure you don’t take your old into the new. Let Me navigate through you when you get in that new place. Let Me teach you how to move with Me in precision. Do not take the old with you into the new, for I will use you to unravel, decode, and move a system out of its place. Don’t take the old into the new with you, apart from Me.
“My glory is moving in a multifaceted and multicolored way, so train and ask Me to train your eyes to begin to see the multi-facets of glory as it begins to move. And where you have set your eyes on one facet or on one color of My glory, the Lord says, ask Me to forgive, ask Me, to repent. We say, Father, that where our eyes have been trained to see one way, that you are now aligning our eyes and you are aligning our senses to the multifaceted glory of who you are.
“Do not look at what I called you to see as the world sees! A jawbone is not just a jawbone! A slingshot is not just a slingshot! A rock is not just a rock in this season! I have opened up a portal over you to see into a diverse spiritual realm. There is nothing you’re not going to be able to hear or see, if you want to hear and see. I’ll remove the ceiling and I’ll cause that which has held you in the past to be dealt with, so you can take off in the future.” (Jessica Rana, Chuck Pierce, Marty Cassady, Raymond Banks, Janice Swinney, Melinda Richardson, Tobias Lyons, Melinda Richardson, Robyn Vincent, Michelle Hadley, Kerry Hansher, Keith Pierce, Rebekah Faubion)
Brexit is Good for Freedom, Growth & England: article by Larry Kudlow, Supply Side Economist.
Brexit Is Good for Freedom, Growth & England, click here for article
Go to Lance Wallnau public figure on fb. Scroll down for the article by Marc Nuttle on Brexit.
From Janet, Fri, June 24, 2016: Great Britain has voted and that vote disentangles her from ungodly ties of beaurocratic controls that threaten her sovereign freedoms. The Lord, Himself has a destiny and inheritance for Great Britain. She has fought many bloody battles over the years over following Jesus from the Crusades to the Reformation to World Wars. Indeed along with pioneering commerce, trade, empires, she also exported the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is called to be a sheep nation. Our, USA, Godly civil laws originate from the Magna Carta of England. So they, we and others may have some difficulties in the next few years while God realigns nations and displaces the darkness with His Light restoring His Kingdom, His Government over nations and mountains within those nations. Remember Jer 1:8, Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.” Through out the Bible, there is an uprooting and tearing down of all that becomes corrupted with evil. Then the Lord builds his house, His Kingdom, His Government. His Government, His heavenly blueprint/scroll, His plan/destiny/inheritance invades earth. Thy Kingdom Thy Will.
by Lana
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19)
People of God in the United States of America, your nation has been marked for a miracle! Don’t cast your eyes upon the natural, don’t fix your eyes on the fate of the United States on the outcome of an election or upon one person. Lift your eyes up HIGHER!!! Keep your eyes on Him!!!! Pray, pray, pray and pray some more for the United States, this is a crucial time, but let the Spirit of God take you higher, to a higher vantage point, to SEE as He sees and SEE He has a BATTLE PLAN OF VICTORY NO MATTER WHAT!!!!
Breaking Off Familiar Spirits
Jesus spent at least a third of His time healing and casting out demons. Spirits can gain access into people or into the personalities of individuals. When there are spirits that go from generation to generation, manifesting on a piece of land, or in an actual family or bloodline, those spirits are called familiar spirits.
So what you want to consider is:
1. What generational patterns are at work in your life? What kind of spiritual forces have been in your lineage, family, and bloodline for many years? The Bible speaks about familial or familiar spirits. There are spirits that are familiar with your life journey, perhaps from generation to generation. Many believe that trauma can induce the transfer of spirits from parent to child. Addictions, poverty, and divorce are examples of patterns that can pass from generation to generation.
2. Some of your battles didn’t start with you. These bents and inclinations toward fear, mistrust, abandonment, depression, and even suicide can be generational. These patterns are rooted in family history and in some strange way were passed down from generation to generation in the bloodline. An iniquity is a bent or inclination of the soul toward a certain pattern of ungodly thinking—BUT the good news is YOU DON’T HAVE TO YIELD to any spirit or generational pattern. Not for one split second!
3. What can you do? When something is exerting an influence over your freedom of will and occupying your mind, it is often a spiritual assignment that is intent on breaking up your freedom to follow Christ. If the pattern has been evident in your bloodline, perhaps you are the one who gets the task of finally breaking it off of your household and the next generation! This is where you become the champion that cuts off the pattern of iniquity or the power of a familiar spirit from operating because you choose to resist it and break the cycle in your own life. That’s really what an overcomer is. Perhaps the Lord has called you for such a time as this to bring His freedom and deliverance to your family and future generations?
Annabelle and I have decided that we would discern and judge anything that was operating in our lives that was trying to transfer to our children. We found that when we confronted it and broke it off of us, we emasculated its power to transfer to the next generation. All we had to do was alert our children to the family story and history so that they could be enlightened and resist. Their power to resist was multiplied because we had brought it to the light and already dealt with it!
Question: What generational patterns is your spirit alert to even now? Ask the Lord to pinpoint the areas that it is time to address.
As One,
Lance Wallnau
Lance Learning Group
“The decentralization of power away from hubristic central planners is exactly what the world needs more of. The centralization of power is the source of the very risky environment we’re in, not the decentralization.” Mark Spitznagel
…The only outcome of debt relief without revolutionary, entrepreneurial structural reforms in the markets for goods and services (rather than in the labor market) will be the typical European class struggle. History has shown how dangerous this can be.
