Dream Encounter: Lord of Hosts. Baptize (Rebaptism) with Holy Spirit and Fire
Date: November 2004
I am looking into/on the face and shoulders of the Commander and Chief of the Armies, Lord of Hosts, Jesus Christ, portrayed as a strong man, kind, loving, seasoned, tanned face with dark hair. I am seeing him from the chest up. Broad shoulders. Neat trimmed. His uniform resembles top brass in the US Navy. Navy jacket with gold buttons, lapels. He is looking intently into me as if inspecting me for duty; there is a seriousness, yet his face and eyes are soft, loving, compassionate.
Then I hear a loud authoritative command. Baptize them (all) in the Holy Spirit. It is a command. It is a command from the Lord of Hosts. His command. His word, resonates through my whole being; my body, soul, spirit are immediately propelled into action with power and force.
Then I am rounding up the younger generation and baptize them all with Holy Spirit and Fire. They are all shaking under the power and fire of Holy Spirit.
Interpretation Notes: It is important to note that it is the Lord of Hosts, God as the Warrior, who is commanding this baptism. Baptism of Holy Spirit & FIRE. And that there is a gathering of the youth to experience this baptism of fire.
March 20, 2018: Baptism Revival Meetings break out in Brunswick, GA. This is the beginning of the Baptism of Fire Revival.
September 2019: Jon & Jolene with Jaimie & Redonda for Baptism Revival August 2019. Power & Authority.
May 14, 2020: I have been waiting for this to come forth. It is for such a time as now. Two other dreams indicate as much.
Dream Encounter: Tongue removed. New tongue. Prophecy.
Date: Wednesday, May 14, 2020
I am seeing a hand, the hand of the Lord, reach in and take something out of my mouth. HE holds out His hand so I can see it. It is my tongue. I did not feel any pain or cutting. But there it was, my tongue. Out of my mouth.
Then, a mirror is being held before me. I look in the mirror and I see that I still have a tongue in my mouth. My eye, focus, zooms in to look at the new tongue. It is clearly a new tongue.
Interpretation Notes: On pondering and meditating I hear two things that has to do with the tongue. The old tongue represents the unruly member of the body. Leviathan. Twisted communication due to gossip, slander, mind control, propaganda, lying spirits, etc. The Lord is calling us to repentance of any criticisms, judgments, wrong speech, curses. This repentance cleanses and prepares us for the new tongue the Lord wants to give us.
The second is tongues of fire and speaking in tongues. As we are coming upon Pentecost 2020 there are prophecies and expectations for a mighty rushing wind and tongues of fire, like in Acts 2 that will come forth. I have had a dream in the past about a rebaptism of FIRE. And this new tongue given by the Lord symbolizes a new tongue, new language in the Spirit for this new era, interpretation of tongues. Seeing and saying. Decreeing, Declaring and Prophesying with the domonstration of FIRE & POWER.
Decree & Prophesy over the church of Jesus Christ : We call forth a rebaptism of FIRE. We call forth new tongues of fire. To invade Your church. A tsunami of Holy Spirit Fire Glory Authority Power. Like a mighty rushing wind. Like the roar and waterfall of His Living Waters. Signs. Wonder. Miracles.
Dream/Vision: Jesus Walking on Water|
Date: Wednesday, May 7, 2020
Received by: Cornelia/Janet LeBoutillier
Setting: I am mingling amongst a group people in a non descript place. I am with Jesus and another man, a disciple perhaps. Or John Paul Jackson, cloud of witnesses). I am included but am more of an observer. Some yelling begins and arguments break out. Shouting and yelling. It is like a fight is about to break out and people are taking sides. Then Jesus and this other man walk off from the crowd.
New scene/vision within the dream: I am looking through a large old wood paned glass window. I am seeing and watching this free elegant man off in the distance walking on the water. He is totally unperturbed striding along on the water as the white foam of choppy waves break over his ankles. I see the beautiful yellowish sand beach. There are waves, not too big rolling up onto the beach. Just further out from where the waves are breaking the tall dark long haired man is walking on the water with the occasional white foam of the waves breaking on his ankles. He is wearing a long white robe. It is flowing in the wind as he strides effortlessly on the choppy sea green water. It is a glorious and startling sight from where I am looking through this window. The beach, the waterline, the waves and then the majesty of this son of man, son of God, striding along on the water. I knew it was Jesus. And I was spell bound just seeing him. Then I bring my looking and watching back to where I am. A young girl of about 11 has her head on my shoulder. I look down at her face as she is also looking out the window at this majestic scene. I said to her, “you see Jesus out there.” She smiles and nods.
Interpretation Notes; Well, I certainly did not want to get up and leave this scene. Words cannot describe the experience. So real. So beautiful. Such freedom, grace, purpose, glory. Majestic. On going back in and pondering. I was startled as I was seeing a flash and hearing John Paul Jackson. I took this to mean that he was the man in the first part of the dream with Jesus in the crowds. He was blurred compared to the clarity of the vision within the dream of Jesus. HE was the focus.
As the dream points out we are to point others, the 11 year old, to Jesus. This dream is saying it is time now for the signs, wonders and miracles. Jesus is alive and well. He is walking on water and beckoning us to follow him. This dream reminded me of the dream 17 years ago of walking on the water. This Pentecost will see fresh mighty outpouring of His Spirit. We are moving into the LIGHT of the Church of Revelation. The old church is done. This transition is greater than the Reformation. There was huge warfare for the new season of the Reformation. Over 100 years of bloody wars in Europe. We have moved out of the church age into the Kingdom love based, Holy Spirit led church.