Prophecy: The Lord is conceiving and preparing an end time Revival, Awakening and Restoration in the Celtic people groups in the Catholic Church in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England and America, particularly New England and New York. The buds are shooting out of the stump of supernatural Celtic Christianity in Ireland & Scotland during the 5th Century during the times of St. Patrick, St. Columba of Iona and other saints of that time. Communities will form that will be part of apostolic city and regional centers. Signs, wonders, healing, miracles, raising the dead, prophetic evangelism, prophecy, 24/7 worship and prayer, apostolic decrees, speaking to nature patterns, weather and space will shift environments. Supernatural training and equipping centers will flourish.
Celtic Prophetic Journey: Bangor Abbey, Iona, Ireland & Scotland April 3 – April 13, 2002
October 23, 2014: This Catholic Revival, Awakening and Restoration buds are beginning. Check this out: Dancing Priests. (click here) ROME (AP) — A video of a pair of dueling, dancing American priests studying in Rome has gone viral. The Rev. David Rider, 29, of Hyde Park, New York, and the Rev. John Gibson, 28, of Milwaukee, first shot to Internet fame when they were filmed in April during a fundraiser at the North American College, the elite American seminary up the hill from the Vatican. Rider warmed up the crowd with a lively tap-dance routine, only to be pushed aside by Gibson’s fast-footed Irish dance. Soon they were battling it out, trying to impress the crowd.
Celtic Prophetic Journey
This prophetic journey began with several supernatural encounters in dreams, visions, divine appointments and timing.

May 22, 2000 – Dream: Medieval Forest, DNA memory/inheritance
Summary: This is a multi level dream with inter-dimensional transportation to another time and place. I am in Robin Hood country, forests of huge trees and boulders. I am first in one area and seeing and looking at an elegant tree house that spans multilple trees. Next I am walking through a medieval town. I go to a prayer meeting in a large field in the forest with 2 other women, I do not know in real life. There are men there talking about pixies and fairies. One companion walks off because it is so oppressive. The other companion stays. I have a strong sense that I am to stay and be a presence, the light of Jesus Christ. I am watching and then seeing myself ministering power salvation and deliverance.
Interpretation: This was a picture of the Druids and Picts being Christianized by the Celtic Saints like St. Patrick, Columba, Comgall, etc, where I was interacting and then became part of the action.
June 2000: Began to read Kathie Walters’s books, Columba, The Celtic Dove and Celtic Flames that I had picked up at the April 2000 Arise NE Conference with Tommy Tenney, Paul Jervais. I had been attracted to and explored Celtic Christianity sites and research for several years, particularly since visiting my daughter, her Cornish husband and grandchildren in Cornwall.
Late June 2000 – Deeper contemplation on Medieval Forest, DNA memory/inheritance dream
Interpretation process/revelation: Contemplation on this dream took me through golden puzzle pieces of revelation that unfolded from a trip to Norway 40 years ago; from 2 trances (in bow of Viking ship and a scribe amongst other scribes) 30 years prior; from my father’s genealogy (Ela) of NE OT Biblical names like Israel, Enoch, Levi, Daniel, Jacob some of whom were preachers in NH and Maine who arrived from UK (Ireland or Britain) in the mid 1600’s. Ela name is Norwegian/Viking; there is a region/town in Norway named Ela. In Kathie’s book, Columba, The Celtic Dove, on page 41 and 42 there is a reference to the miracle of favorable winds and a prophesy by Columba. One of the men was Columban. The note that follows this passage is: “Columban, minister” – This was Colman Ela, or Columanellus, born in Glenelly, County Tyrone, A. D. 555, who dies in his monastery of Lynallym, (near Tullamore, Kings County), A. D. 611. During the contemplation of the golden puzzle pieces, another piece comes forth as I am tearing an ad out of a TV guide. It is an advertisement for a Celtic goblet depicting a Christian Saint and Viking warrior coming together in Christ. This Ela monk was with Columba and who knows what other of those early Christian saints who Christianized Ireland, Scotland, Britain, and parts of Europe with/through the supernatural signs and wonders, raising the dead, deliverance, healing – sozo. When I was pondering all this, it came in a flash of lightening that this was MEMORY IN MY DNA, that we carry that memory within us – it is in our DNA. This is my inheritance! It is our family’s inheritance! And many peoples inheritance!!
Summary: Just as the early Christians in Ireland and Scotland prophesied the Spirit of Jesus Christ through the supernatural (signs, wonders, miracles) to the pagans inhabiting the land, so are we commanded to do so today. We are to carry the presence of the God/Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit right into their midst bringing them the Light of Jesus Christ that they may come into the truth. Christianizing the New Age is similar to Christianizing the Celtic Druids and the Picts and the pagans/Gentiles in Acts.
May 28, 2001 – Dream: Inspect Gardens, Bangor, 10:10
An unknown woman/angel has new work for me. I am to go and ‘inspect gardens’. I ask her, “Just in this area?” She replies, “No, all around, you’ll be going everywhere.” Then quite enthusiastically she says, “There’s a big garden in Bangor,” implying it is one of the places I will go. Something about 10:10. (Be there by 10 – 10? 10, 10? 2 10’s)
Interpretation: This also unfolded. At first I thought it was Bangor, ME. I knew in the spirit that I was to go to these places. 10 = weighed or measured (for the specific purpose of accepting or rejecting), fullness law, order, government, restoration, anti-Christ kingdom, trial, testing and responsibility.
June 2001: Then during the summer another intercessor was talking about the CD Fireland and the Valley of Angels, the Bay of Bangor (Ireland) Again, a flash of lightening hit my head. Indeed this made sense in light of the prior dream, Ela ancestry/inheritance.
August 2001: an email came announcing Kathie’s Celtic tour to Ireland and Scotland. Wondered whether I was supposed to go on the Brazil trip. Perhaps I was to go on this Celtic tour which was at the same time. Prayed and sensed I heard the Lord saying that there would be another in the spring. Indeed there was.
Spring, 2001 – Brazil Mission Trip: Burning Celtic Cross
A woman I do not know, but whose name I recognized, as we are both intercessors for a ministry, sent the following to Kathie Walters which I saw on her mailing list: I woke up this morning with the thought “burning Celtic Cross” then I heard the words “as opposed to a burning Southern Cross.” She was requesting any insights on this. I sensed that the southern cross may represent the Southern Cross, a constellation visible in the southern hemisphere. Revival has broken out in the Southern Hemisphere: parts of South America and Africa. This may speak to revival fires now coming to the Celtic lands of UK, Europe, and North America, Northern Hemphisphere, which began with the Celtic saints in 500 – 600 AD. While in Brazil during intercession I saw a vision of a bridge of fire from Brazil and the southern hemisphere to the US and to UK.
October 30, 2001 – Dream: Open Vision of Martin
In the middle of a dream of hosting several of Martin’s friends, I saw an open vision of Martin tall, thin, erect and well, wearing dark pants and a very bright kelley green shirt. He was in an open doorway, wanting to be seen, looking directly at me with a twinkle and slight smile.
Interpretation: I sensed this was a confirmation to go on Kathie Walters’s trip to Ireland & Scotland. Martin often represents a message from the Lord. Kelly green signifies Ireland.
Fall/Winter, 2002 – Kathie Walters New England meetings and living in the Spirit
Kathie Walters was ministering in NH 3 or 4 times in the upper CT River Valley of NH and VT. I attended these meetings and was blessed. Kathie confirmed what dreams and the Lord was saying about moving onto another church. Most particularly I observed that Kathie had an incredible ability to live in the Spirit during whatever was going, whether worship or worldly. Living in the supernatural in the natural was hers and our inheritance as she taught. She lived what she taught. She taught the Good News of Jesus Christ and at the same time broke off binding spirits without focusing on the demonic realm. I wanted to learn and be able to live in the Spirit this way. Her way of being showed me it was possible. Yea God!!
March 3, 2002 – Dream: Brown twig igloo shaped huts, mature people inside
Younger people are doing a task – praying, prayer ministry. Knowledge came, a voice, that the young people could not do it. The older, mature people needed to do it for it to get done. Then came a very vivid panoramic picture, a vision in the dream, of these brown twig igloo type shaped huts that dotted a flat tan/sand colored landscape. I knew in the Spirit that the mature ones were inside these huts and would be coming out to get the job/task done.
Revelation: About 3 weeks later just prior to leaving for Ireland/Scotland, I spilled water on a table and on books below as I was watering a plant. In taking out the books, I began to research the Celts in the history time line book. Then I opened a graphic history time line starting from the time of Abraham. Then I see the Celtic huts on the map. They are very similar to the ones in my dream with the exception of the material. I know these huts have to do with the Ireland/Scotland trip. Inheritance. And I sense that it is the raising up of Celtic Christian warriors who will Christianize like Patrick, Comgall, Columba, etc. with signs and wonders – prophetic evangelism. Yea God!
March 28, 2002 – Dream: Generation streams filling up generation lines like pipes
In the dream I saw streams filling and overcoming channels, passageways. It was in ancient times. I was involved with strategy. It was a battle.
In twilight sleep again streams from ancient times were filling generation lines, each generation, hooked to the next generation, by a joint as in connectors connecting the generation pipes. Two or three of these generation lines filled up. One was crimson (blood).
Interpretation: Inheritance from ancient times; God unstopping the ancient Celtic wells of prophetic evangelism and letting it flow up through the generation lines to the come forth during this time.
Friday, April 5, 2002 – Bangor Heritage Center
When I walked into the room where the monk was to talk to us about the early monks and Bangor Abbey, I saw a large model of the monastery of Bangor, founded by Comgall, who was a disciple of Fintan, who had been a disciple of Columba of Iona. The large table covered in glass depicted the early community. The exact same twig roofed round huts were spread out on a flat landscape exactly like the ones in the dream the Lord gave me March 3, 2002. My legs began to shake, my body was shaking and birthing bends began. I was astounded. As we were leaving I asked the monk about the roof material. He bent over and pulled up a square beautifully woven twig piece. It was the roofing of these round huts. This again was exactly like the dream. The other pictures I had seen of these round huts were of stone. These huts at Bangor Abbey in the model were exact replicas of the dream. In addition, the monk pointed out to me that the inner grouping of huts in the community was for the monks. The huts on the outside of the community were for the artisans. The vision within the dream depicted the model on the table.
April 7, 2002 – On bus returning from Hill of Tara, Hill of Slane and Catholic evangelism campaign
Vision: I was moving along inside a narrow canyon, just down a bit from the top. The canyon was very curvy, with big S turns as I moved quite fast in it. The sides of the canyon that I could see were deep red. I was not able to see the bottom of the canyon. There was light above. Dark below. Came out of vision and then went back into it and asked God what it was. I heard chasm.
Chasm=gulf, deep crack in the earth’s surface; abyss; narrow gorge; any break or gap; a wide divergence of feelings, sentiments, interests, etc; rift.
Red: this red was like a deep burnt red. Could be war, bloodshed, death and/or blood atonement, and sacrifice.
Interpretation: Not sure; could be the chasm in the Catholic Church and other churches and/or between the Islam and Christian world; earthquake in the natural?
Catholic Evangelism Campaign: This campaign is quite remarkable. It is being promoted and advertised all over Ireland. Priests and Bishops have come together in unity to let the Irish know who Jesus Christ is. Praise God.
April 7, 2002 – Shalom Christian Church, Belfast, Ireland
(This church is located on the second floor above Diamond Fireworks; I noted the name after this vision)
After prayer in spirit:
Vision I: A cross began to form made of multi-faceted diamonds. First came the vertical pole, then the horizontal cross pole, then a circle surrounded the cross. Vivid white dense Light was shooting off in all directions. As the Light shot off in the many directions from the many faceted diamond edges, the cross dispersed. Then the Celtic cross formed again. Now it was a Celtic cross of vivid LIGHT.
Interpretation: This may be a vision for the Shalom Christian Church. That the light of Christ will spread out far and wide through this church. Later, revelation revealed that we are to live in the cross of light.
Vision II: A very bright, almost white light, gold ball appeared above me. I heard a voice calling me to grab onto me, which I did. The white gold ball pulled me up higher and higher and began swinging me out to the left like a swing. It startled me, yet it was joyful and freeing. Then we were still for a while. Then I heard a whisper saying, ‘come get inside me’. I did. I was inside the light gold ball. The sides had openings sort of like a gondola, but much smaller. When I first saw it, it was smaller than I am. Somewhere along in here I asked the Lord, ‘what was it?’ I heard ‘watcher’. Watcher takes me higher and to and fro. I was moving deeper into the light and then I was in it and above everything. Then I heard the Lord say, ‘you will swim in the waters above. Just as you swim in the ocean in the waters below, you will swim in the waters above. It is like going places on the winds of the Holy Spirit. I sensed that He was saying this is practice to take you places and show you things. Then I was fleeting along on the currents of the waters above. It was very fast.
Watcher Scripture:
Proverbs 8:33, 34 – “Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.”
Deuteronomy 4:9 – “only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live.”
Luke 17:3 – “So watch yourselves.”
Psalm 130:6 – “My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.”
Ez 3:17 – “a watchman for the house of Israel”
Hos 9:8 – “watching out for the dangers of sin
Mic 7:7 – “watching for signs of divine deliverance”
Is 62:6 – “those who watch over Israel… rest…perpetual prayer for God’s people.”
Is 52:8 – “when deliverance comes…..lift their voices…..shout for joy.”
Dictionary of Biblical Imagery: If the prophets are mute (Ez 33:6), blind, asleep at the posts (Is 56:10) or simply ignored (Jer 6:17) then the Lord’s people are vulnerable to spiritual or military attack. But even diligent watchmen do not guarantee security, for “unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain” (Ps 127:1; Lam 4:16-17).
Mt 24:42 – 25:13 – “homeowner watches for thief… servant watches for master… virgins watch for bridegroom… command Jesus gives disciples: ‘Watch'” (Mk 13:32-37)
Daniel 4:13 – “I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven;”
Daniel 4:17 – “This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.”
Daniel 4:23 – “And whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him;”
5894 05894 `iyr (Aramaic) {eer} from a root corresponding to 05782; TWOT – 2907; n m
AV – watcher 3; 1) waking, watchful, wakeful one, watcher, angel
Waters above (cosmic waters – science has proved the waters above)
Gen 1:6 – And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water.” So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. God called the expanse ‘sky’. And there was evening, and there was morning – the second day.
Ps 148:4 – “Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies.”
Iona, April 7, 2002
On coming into Iona by the ferry, I was overcome with weeping. After exploring the nunnery, the Street of the Dead where I was also overcome with weeping, the Abbey, St. Columba’s Shrine, the site of the Bakehouse, I was led by the Holy Spirit to go to the land/sheep’s field down to the shore in front of the Abbey along the Sound of Iona. I was aware that my ancestor, Coleman Ela, had walked along here. (confirmation came later that when we walk on the land of our ancestors there is weeping; it is one of the signs that it is our land.) Upon arriving I felt a pressing by the Lord to find and pray at Columba’s favorite spots to pray, meditate, etc. I had inquired at the entrance to the Abbey of those spots and was given directions to one of them. So I proceeded to the Shop for more information. Yes, indeed, there were four. 1) Dun 1, the hill and highest spot in Iona, where Columba came to meditate. 2) Cobhan Cuilteach, the remote hollow, known as the Hermit’s Cell; the foundations of an oval stone hut are still there. It may be where Columba sometimes withdrew. 3) Torr an Aba, Hill of the Abbot, believed to be the place where Columba had his writing hut. This is a rocky knoll overlooking the abbey and out over the Sound of Iona. 4) Cnocnan Aingeal, Hill of the Angels, is a knoll overlooking a plain and out over the Atlantic Ocean. This is believed to be the place where Columba prayed, meditated and had visitations of angels. Since time and swamp did not allow me to get to the Hermit’s cell, I was led to Torr an Aba, Columba’s writing hut, then onto Hill of the Angels, which was about a ¾ hour hike in.
Hill of the Angels, Audible voices
On finding the knoll, I slipped through a fence and up to the top of it. I knelt and prayed looking out over the small plain, the beach and the horizon of the Atlantic Ocean. Then I lay back, arms out forming a cross, waiting on the Lord. After a bit I saw a light shining down over me in the spirit, particularly shining down on my belly. Then this light shining down became a circle opening full of light. It continued pouring out light into me. Then when that stopped, the circle of light moved down a little lower, waiting. I knew it was for me to go up into. Went up and way, way, way deep – don’t know where, but was jolted into awareness by audible (angelic) voices:
Voice one: “She had/has to wait for him for a ride back home.” And I am aware and/or hear that she/ I have two things that she/ I have to do before I am taken home. Then as I am repeating these words to myself lightly as if to someone else:
Voice Two: Loud. “Oh, my God, then the answer is yes!”
April 7, 2002 – Dinner at hotel in Oban
Prophecy by Stephen, (Stephen and Bev), Kansas City
Prophecy summary: I would be an evangelist to many….it was all over me….have heart of the Father….hinds feet…agile in the Spirit.
April 7, 2002 – Prayers with Kathie in hotel private room following dinner
The prayer ministry was a continuation of the Lord’s broken heart for women who have been suppressed/oppressed in the church. This ministry had started on the ferry when the Lord revealed his broken heart over His woman to Kathie. She prayed over us on the ferry and broke off dumb (silence, not speaking up) spirit off us. Kathie and those who had been prayed for on the ferry prayed for several who had not been present during this ministry time. After a bit while I am back in a chair sitting, I am startled by something behind me. I turn quickly to look. There is no one there in the natural, but I am aware of a presence. I wonder is it an angel? I heard a voice say an angel. Suddenly, my body begins to shake and my feet run in place. I then stretch back in the straight chair. The intense shaking as if plugged into a high voltage socket causes me to slide off the chair onto the floor. There is an incredible heat and a fiery burning on my shoulders and upper back that I can feel going deep into me. I am yelling Fire, Fire, it’s hot; there is intense burning on my hsoulders and back. It is a mantle of FIRE. Then the fire spreads, scatters and jumps on others. They began to shake and feel the heat and burning on their backs. This was a powerful encounter. Celtic Prophetic Warrior Fire Anointing.
April 10, 2002 – Meeting with Catherine Brown, Stirling, Scotland
This was a powerful time of prophetic intercessory prayer for Scotland with Catherine Brown, leader and prophetess, and two others with her for revival in Scotland. There was music, dancing, drumming, prayer and propehcy for Catherine and Scotland. I did hear the word, ‘Joan of Arc’ and saw Catherine in a horse, carrying a white banner leading many warriors for revival in Scotland. Did not quite have the boldness to speak it forth, but gave it to her in writing after the meeting. I learned that there were others who also received the word, ‘Joan of Arc’. Thank you Lord for the confirmation.
Prayer Ministry: Through out the trip I was privileged to pray (deliverance) of several people. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.” Thank you God. All honor and glory are yours.
Intercessory Prayer for Ireland and Scotland: Prayers for revival in these two countries on the Hill of Tara, Hill of Slane, Iona, Lindisfarne, on the bus, at the meeting with Katherine was powerful. I sense that the Celtic Cross is being set on fire and that Celtic Warriors are being raised up in these two countries. It is their inheritance.
Kathie Walters and Living in the Spirit: I witnessed Kathie’s amazing ability to live in the Spirit though out 10 days of much travel with 40 plus people most of whom did not know each other and came from many different Christian denominations and cultural backgrounds. And while shopping!!! The 10 days and bus time was spent in the Spirit. Kathie tirelessly and joyfully let the love and light of Christ shine out and cover all.
For the past year I have been trying to spend more time just being in the presence of the Lord. Since coming home there seems to be an increase in this. Having returned home with a mild pneumonia has helped with this as I have been forced to lay low, so to speak. I seem to be able to just remain in the spirit more while I am doing what ever I am doing. It’s like there is a new not being pressured by time. Yea God!
During morning prayer time I have experienced: a deeper love for all those that have been in my life over the years and for all God’s people, even with an outpouring of love and tears. There is a deeper, ‘Let Go and Let God’ happening within, a deeper peace and a deeper understanding and trust in the Lord and not having to try to analyze that which He shows me in dreams, visions and stuff; another morning as I was just meditation, when I got up I was staggering about as if drunk, so I went back into more prayer. I seem to go deeper into places with the Lord and am not sure what all that is about now. There is a new freedom to just go with the Holy Spirit and letting go of the concern of what I think I am to do or am doing.
Time is moving slower, yet going by faster.
Our small house church group asked me to give my testimony of the trip. I mostly addressed the supernatural ministry as per Kathie’s books, what happened on the trip and then prayed and imparted all that I had received on the trip. As I was witnessing we wrote down the impartations which turned out to be about 7: Celtic warrior, watcher anointing, swimming in the waters above, inheritance, healing of women’s hearts who had been oppressed/suppressed, breaking off the dumb spirit, burning mantle. I was in awe that our Lord backed up this testimony with His power. Our house church group was most eager and ready to receive all. It was quite a wild time in the Lord.
Also I have noticed when praying for others in prayer ministry that I am able to speak up about what I am sensing and seeing. In doing that I am getting feedback that I am right on about words of knowledge, what I am seeing, etc. There is a new ease in being able to communicate what I think I am seeing means. Physically, there has been a loosening inside the neck, throat and shoulders. Also, what I am seeing is clearer and unfolds gracefully. My mind disrupts it less and is staying out of the way. Thank you Jesus.
Summary: Ireland and Scotland are not a place I had ever thought about going to. Through the Lord speaking to me in dreams, God incidences, visions and more than anything wanting to BE OBEDIENT, I went, in spite of shaky financial future. I did not know what to expect, but knew in the spirit there was inheritance and a Celtic warrior anointing that I hoped the Lord would bless us all with. And that we are called to pray for these lands of our Celtic inheritance. More happened in many different ways than I even know now or how to express. I just sense it. All glory and honor are His. A big glorious thank you to Kathie and Sharon, Roy and Evonne, and Robert.
Title: Inspect gardens, Bangor, 10:10
Date: Monday, May 28, 2001
DREAM: I was dreaming all night as usual. Much activity. The portion I am able to recall which was quite vivid on waking is as follows:
I am with a group of people and am looking for work. Someone has me go to an area, which is an large open space with a long table. There are a couple of other people there. It has something to do with real estate. I seem to be just pushing papers around. In the dream it is meaningless work, not fruitful. So I leave and am back with the group. A woman, angel, comes to me, however, I do not see her. I hear her voice. She asks me about the work I was doing. I let her know that it was just pushing paper around and was boring. She tells me she has new work for me. I am to go and ‘inspect gardens’. I ask her, “just in this area”. She replies, “No, all around, you’ll be going everywhere; then quite enthusiastically she says, “There is a big garden in Bangor”, implying it is one of the places I will go. I am glad and surprised that it is over a larger region and not just in this area. Then she is saying something about 10:10. I need to be there by 10:10 ???.
Gardens: Garden of Eden, a place where God’s Presence is.
Scene: I am in a large outside open grassy space with some people. I see D, an old friend who was in government, economic development under Mario Cuomo coming toward me. He is looks like a penguin as he is dressed in black and white shirted tuxedo. His eyes are dark and sunken. I do not really want to see him. He says hello and begins to chase me as I am running away. I then stop and say hello.
Upon waking my shoulders are very sore. I had a long and sound sleep. It has taken me almost all day to wake up. Rhythms as per teacher, resting rhythm, ministering rhythym. This is definitely a resting rhythm.
Garden=image of both nature and sacred space of well watered space set apart for the intense cultivation of plants. Garden is a place of life richly nourished, well attended to and appointed for the enjoymnet of its human owners and residents, therefore motifs of beauty, abundance and the satisfaction of human need. Life at it’s fullest. Garden is one of the framing images of the total Bible story. Gen 2, garden of Eden is perfect abode and workplace. Rev 21 New Jerusalem is ideal joining of garden and city; river of life issuing from beneath God’s throne, much as the fountain arose in the midst of Eden’s garden. River is lined with trees whose fruit if for food and whose leves are fo the healing of nations. Categories of garden: the garden=garden of God in Eden; gardens- share qualities of Paradise, but no unique status. Well watered, green and fruitful. Ex Song of Songs-garden of love – the harmony the couple finds with their environment reflects the harmony of their relationship; Garden of Gethsemane-Jesus’ passion. A place of anguish, of suffering and betrayal, ofarrest and violence, a sacred space within which a radical decision is made that reverses the course of human history; Garden of Jesus’ tomb-Jesus’ resurrection, the firest garden accommodated the firest Adam; the Easter garden accommodated the second Adam,the world defined not by death but by life, with the prospect of growth into the fullness of the stature of Christ. Therefore abundant provision, human longing satisfied, harmony achieved, love triumphant. Garden of God is how God intended human life to be lived. It is a way of life and state of the soul. Also implies provision; also is a place of human labor; prepared for human kind and also requires human upkeep/ “God is ever providing a place as well as promising new and more perfect places, even as humankind is enjoined to collaborate in obedience to the unfolding divine purpose. Eden, Canaan, Heaven: the sequence lists the gifts of a loving providence, contingent, as the Deuteronomic tradition puts it so well, on acceptance and obedience. Harmony – humans with nature, animals and plants. Also, a place of continuous moral testing, as per forbidden tree in garden. Therefore a place of radical choice. Gardens are planted.
Summary: an image of the ideal that heightens whatever activity occurs within it. It signals nature at its best, romantic love at its best, human well-being at its best, spiritual reality at its best. The garden of bliss is a moral and spiritual norm against which fallen experience is judged and toward which the human spirit aspires.
Bangor: Initially I thought this was Bangor, Me and asked friends who summer in ME to check out churches, etc in the Bangor area. Research reveals that Bangor, Me has taken its name from Bangor, Ireland, valley of the angels. Then in the middle of the summer I am talking to an intercessor friend. She mentions the CD, Fireland, Celtic Music. I listen to it and the sound and words of Valley 0f the Angels reverberated inside every cell. Valley of the Angels is the vision St Patrick had and prophesied over Bangor, Ireland. Bangor Abbey came forth out of that vision. And our awesome God hits my head with His lightening strikes and I know the dream is referring to Bangor, Ireland. I remember the Kathie Walters book I have picked up in Chrisianizing Ireland, the Viking heritage dream and the ELA name in one of the books. Then the email comes thru re Kathie Walters Celtic trip to Bangor, Iona, etc. It is at the same time as the Brazil trip. I pray. I sense God is saying that she will be doing another trip.
Title: Dream 1 – Marching with priest in white with children
Dream 2 – 3 huge potatoe trees, Duncan
Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2001
Dream 1: This is only summary gleaned from this dream. It again was slow motion. I am marching with many others in a parade. There are many priests in white and children in parade.
Dream 2: I see 3 huge trees. Two are slanted slightly but growing upward. One is growing sideways under a bridge. It is similar to the tunnel bridges in Central Park, NYC, near the zoo area. These are huge trees and on closer inspection and from a voice I see and hear I am told they are potatoe trees. I am instructed that I am to saw them down with another person (angel) that I do not see. The direction that the tree was to fall was important.
Duncan is doing something with quickness of movement. There are things multiplying. It was a good thing and those present, not seen, were amazed.
Interpretation: This dream is revealing the Catholic/Irish people who immigrated to NYC, Boston and other cities in the North East during the potato famine. I believe cutting the old bending trees down, allows them to die and the seed will produce a harvest amongst the Catholics and those of Irish heritage. Also research has shown that the NE of the USA is celtic land.
The next day I opened an email from Kathy Walters that had to do with revival in Wales and potatoes. She had a vision of people harvesting potatoes in a potatoe field. Then she saw gems in amongst the potatoes. This is revival/His people being raised up in Wales.
Title: Medieval Forest, pixies, fairies, DNA memory, inheritance
Date: Sun-Mon, May 21-22, 2000
I have traveled to a distant land (in space and in time). I have gone there with a female friend, who at the beginning of the dream is not discernible as anyone I know. Angel? The terrain of this land is steep, rocky with large boulder type rocks forming steep fjord type terrain. At the same time it is an old, dense forest. The trees are huge and tall growing out of this steep, rocky terrain. We are staying in an inn in an area that has been cleared. We are there for some obscure reason that is not clearly revealed in the dream. We are thinking about going to a prayer meeting that we have heard about some distance from where we are staying. It is 2 – 3 hour drive from where we are staying. I think I call Gayle who is driving down from where she lives, which is about an hour north of where we are and is only an hour’s drive from the meeting we are considering going to. Gayle is also interested in attending this meeting and we can stay with her. It appears it is dangerous for us to try to drive home late in the evening through this terrain for 2 – 3 hours.
I am out exploring the town where we are. It is again steep terrain. It appears to be medieval in architecture. Small castles as castles go. Narrow streets.
Scene changes: I am now walking in the old dense forest, boulder, steep terrain. It is dark, but not frightening. The path through the woods and boulders is narrow. The trunks of the trees are huge and go straight up with no lower branches. Just thick trunks and steep boulder terrain. I see a man walking and then leaving the path and climbing up boulders. The man has dark hair, short beard. He is focussed on a mission and quite determined. and does not acknowledge me. It is almost as if he doesn’t see me. He is dressed in a dark, brownish well fitting jacket. He has a small pointed hat. He is wearing well fitted leggings, perhaps rust colored and dark rugged, but well fitted sort of pointed toe boots. The dress reminds me of Robin Hood type dressing. I am comfortable exploring this path. The man is not frightening. I walk a little further along. Then I turn around to walk back. As I am walking back I see two more men, not together, and at different intervals as I am walking. They are dressed in similar style to the first man I had seen. They two leave the path and walk up boulder type forest terrain. They too appear to be on a mission and knew where they were going. It was as if there was a whole lifestyle beyond the path that I was on, but was unable to see due to the huge trees and boulder – rock terrain. After these two men I was again alone on the path. I looked straight up to the right following the tree trunks. My eye zoomed in on the detail of the tree trunks. I saw that there was an elaborate home that had been carved out and attached to the huge tree trunks. The tree trunks were so close that the home spread out through several trees. There were decks overlooking the path carved out of the tree trunks. I saw windows. And the upper stories of the tree home appeared to be spire like as the trunks narrowed upward. An incredible sight. It was an elaborate home high up in the tree trunks. I sensed that the home was entered into from boulder rocks on the side away from the path.
Scene change: I am back with the woman I am travelling with and Gayle who has driven down from her area. We are discussing about going back up to the meeting 2 –3 hours north of where we are, and then coming back to stay at Gayle’s house. We seem to be undecided and perhaps we will explore where we are for a bit. There seems to be plenty of time before this meeting begins. Gayle mentions a prayer meeting that she knows of locally and suggests we go to it before proceeding with our plans.
Scene change: We have been transported to the prayer meeting Gayle has suggested. It is in a clearing in the forrest. There are many people there. The meeting has not yet begun and we are walking around, not necessarily together, talking to the people. Two men come up to me and begin talking with them. We introduce ourselves and what our involvement is, the meeting etc. The two men begin to talk about pixies and fairies, seeing them, having some, etc. I sense a check/warning in my spirit. I then leave the two men and look for my travelling friend. I consult with her. There are a lot of people mingling around, sitting on the ground. Then the woman I am with says very loudly, “There are oppressive spirits here; I am leaving.” She walks off huffily and with determination and some anger. It is then that in the dream, my friend is revealed as Marie. I am embarrassed by this outburst. I go to get Marie to bring her back to discuss this and get more information from someone in charge. These two men may be a minority. We do not know enough. A woman comes up to me and asks if she can help us. Is there a problem? She had a clipboard, pad and pencil. She appears to be one of the leaders of the prayer group, although in the dream I am not sure of this. I sit on the ground with her and we begin talking. Marie is standing off the the side, not participating in the conversation. I begin to ask her about the prayer meeting, their purpose. I try to explain to her about the two men talking about the pixies and fairies. I explain to her that I have come out of the occult and am very wary of this. She is kind and seems to understand. As she is talking with me trying to explain, she is beating around the bush. She is talking about a broad path. I explain to her that my Christian path is narrow, very narrow and I don’t go through broad paths. The conversation is not at all satisfactory. I am still confused about what the group is about. Gayle at this point comes up to us. I explain to her that Marie is leaving, who by this time has walked off. Gayle appears to be staying and has no concern. I am not sure what I am to do. I have a strong sense that I am to stay and to be a presence and represent Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God, in this group.
I wake up.
Summary: Just as the early Christians in Ireland prophesied the Spirit of Jesus Christ through the supernatural (signs, wonders, miracles) to the pagans inhabiting the land, so are we commanded to do today. We are to carry the presence of the God/Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit right into their midst bringing them the Light of Jesus Christ that they may come into the truth. See Revelation that followed this dream for interpretation process of this particular dream.
REVELATION: DNA memory/inheritance
As I was transcribing this dream. I was led to take a break and went upstairs to kitchen to get a drink. Very often when I do this I am still in a state of contemplating dream. I am looking at the medieval setting of this dream. I then recall other occurrences in the past when I have had visions in a trance where I am transported to times past. I recalled being in the prow of a Viking ship plowing through heavy seas and strong winds. I am standing in the bow with arms outstretched and upward, face lifted into the wind enjoying the wind and spray. This had to be some time in the mid 70’s. Somehow as the golden thread of events and visions came together I knew my ancestry had come from Norway. I visited Norway in 1960 and was told of a township up north called Ela. My maiden name is Ela.
Subsequently, other pieces revealed this to be true. A man I had contacted in Madison, Wisc to develop a parcel of land that Yale owned in New Haven commented on my name. At that time I was using my maiden name in business. In conversation, I told him it was an unusual name and my father had looked in phone books all across the USA when he travelled for business. He only found one other Ela in Aspen, Colorado. This business associate said there were several Ela’s in Madison, Wisc. During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s many Norwegians had come to the USA and settled in Wisconsin. He sent me the page from the phone book, which verified this. Another friend told me my bone structure was very Scandinavian. At another time during meditation I went into a trance and found myself sitting on a high stool at a high old slightly slanted desk top. I was a scribe amongst other scribes. I was writing words from one book/page onto a piece of paper using an old fashioned type pen and ink well. It was tedious and exacting work. Each letter was important. Some of the words looked to be in another language.
I also learned that my father’s ancestry, Ela, had been done in this country and went back to Londonderry, Ireland.
As I was pondering all this when I took the break from transcribing the dream here, it came as a flash that this was MEMORY IN MY DNA, that we carry that memory within us. It is my inheritance from my ancestry. Of course, now, I do not believe in reincarnation or prior lives. But this dream revealed to me that we carry that memory of our ancestry deep within us. And I am remembering that my father’s ancestry were ministers in New England. So I have just gone and retrieved the genealogy of the Ela family, descendants of Israel Ela. I have known that the Ela side of my ancestry was made up of many ministers in New England and all had OT Biblical names: Israel, Daniel, John, Samuel, Martha, Jacob, Rachel, Mary, Hannah, Enoch, Elizabeth, Joseph, Seth, Enos, Levi. In the early 1800’s Revs Roger Ela and his wife, Emily Carleton were recognized preachers in the Free Will Baptist church.
Then another piece of the golden puzzle came forth. First I have always been attraced to Celtic Christianity. Something just sort of sings within every atom in every cell. So I had picked up Kathy Walters book, Columba, The Celtic Dove and Celtic Flames at the Arise NE conference in Lebanon, NH. I had seen the titles and had planned to order them. And there they were on Paul Gervais’s book table. These are little books on the prophetic and supernatural ministry of St. Patrick, Columba of Iona in the 5th and 6th century. In the Columba book, page 41 &42 there is a reference to the miracle of favorable winds. Baithene and Columban went to Columba at the same time asking him to pray for favorable winds on their departure from Iona. They were both traveling in opposite directions. Columba advised each as to when to depart. The winds changed 180 degrees for Columban’s departure. After Columban’s departure, Columba spoke this prophetic word concerning him, “The Godly man, Columban, whom we blessed on his departure, will nowhere in this world see my face again.” The word proved true, for in the same year Columba passed away to the Lord. The Note that follows this passage is: “Columban, minister” – This was Colman Ela, or Columanellus, born in Glenelly, County Tyrone, A. D. 555, who dies in his monastery of Lynallym, (near Tullamore, Kings County), A. D. 611.
Date: Tuesday-Wednesday, April 1-2, 2003
Dream: Timothy Sherman, transportation, prophesy, books
Twilight: Horses, take land, know stock, bond market, altars, God, they, David with me
Theme: Transportion through window; prophetic help
Scene: I am with a small group. Timothy and Glenda Sherman are there. He is encouraging me. We are also encouraging him.
Scene: With Tim, just inside of where group is. We were talking, practicing something. All of a sudden I was someplace else. It was as if I flew/was catapulted out/though window and the next thing I know I am standing in a land/landscape that is very Scottish. It is a highland mountainous area of rocks and stubble light brown/tanish plains and grasslands. Stark. Timothy Sherman is there. I say how did I get here? I am talking to Timothy about it. How did I get there…it was as if I was shot out a window. Timothy was amazed that I went so far.
Scene: We are practicing singing and praying. Then I say to him I am not really a great singer. Am realizing why am I practicing this? Timothy saying perhaps practice the singing a little, but this may be a good observation. Then something about 5 things…doing 5 things. I am thinking in the dream if not a singer then what? And I say to Timothy, asking: But with you, is it that the word burns in you, Revival 110%, that you know in you it has to get out? I sense that I am getting it. As if, I will do a little of all these things. Then it is as if Timothy is pointing his finger at me and hitting me in the stomach. I am saying writing, books…I am halfway thru one book and God has given me 2 others. Timothy is yelling Books! Books!. I say singing is distracting me. These other things are distracting. I am bent over, humble, contrite, weeping. Again 5 things…doing these other 5 things, too. It is a relief.
Note: Indeed the book thing again. Help Lord. Am doing other things also.
Scenarios: There were many scenarios in this dream. In one of them I am driving with Timothy in a car following Glenda and some others. He is talking and encouraging me…sharing how discouragement comes in. In another scene in a house, almost like Marshfield childhood home, an early New England cape cod home, I am with others around some food. Then we are practicing shooting something out doors. It is as if we are going up an embankment along the edge of a road spying and attacking. It was like shooting.
Note: Dreams that are revealing the plans of the enemy? Shoot light prayers into the darkness.
Scene: I Hear “What else is there?….1000 people…only way to find it is to come here.” Timothy is helping.
Heard the following things in twilight sleep as I was going back to sleep:
“High and dry on the horses. Take the enemies land.”
“Know (or no?) stock market…know (or no?) bond market”
“Altar places moved.”
“Father, His Son, they will take them (the altars) with you.”
Then I am seeing, “you will be there with David in transition.”
Notes: on writing this at night, I wonder is this going through the window and landing somewhere else transportation/translation? The night before I had a dream that I was unable to remember, so I did not write it down. The only thing I do remember that in the dream my attention was drawn over and over to a large window that was sky blue with some white clouds that was high up and over my left shoulder. It is as if the window was beckoning to me. When I looked I knew that the window had things to show and tell me. In the first scene of this dream I was aware of traveling/being catapulted through the window. This was unlike the dreams where I was just there in another place, like the time I was in Robin Hood country, the first of the Celtic series of dreams that all came to pass in obedience to the dreams by going on the Kathy Walters trip… with Celtic warrior angelic visitations with burning on shoulders, being lifted up through portal, hearing angelic voices on Columba’s angel hill on Iona, inheritance and seeing in Bangor Abbey exactly the same Celtic hut community (at table top model) just like in the dream.
On writing this I sense that David being there with me/others/church in this transition may have to do with singing/music/worship; a prior dream showed me that we get to the entryway/window through worship. This is the entry to open heavens, being lifted up into the Spirit into the waters above…above time into eternity and we can be dropped back, forward wherever the Lord chooses to send us. God is in the eternal realm. No time.
Sometime in the early 80’s while studying with Barbara Brennan, physicist and healing minister and in the name of Jesus, we prayed and asked the God to show us our angels. The names I received were Emmanuel, Michael and David. This was after the 1979 experience of the resurrected Jesus Christ appearing, my name called 3 times and the sovereign deliverance with Acts 2 hurricane wind and tongues following in New Age community using the Lord’s prayer as a mantra. I did not know what it was for 6 years as I had no teaching. The Holy Spirit led me into St. John the Divine, NYC a mixture church. I had Jesus in my heart and baptism of the Holy Spirit but did not know it. Battle (horses) to take the enemy… offensive prayer… charge the heavenlies in prayer. Stock/bonds may be referring to transfer of wealth or do not invest in stocks/bonds. Later dream telling me to get everything out of the market caused me to realize that perhaps on hearing what I thought was ‘ know’ was ‘No’. On writing this I sense that David being there with us/me in transition is singing/music/worship, house of prayer/Davidic worship…. entryway/window has to do with singing/music/worship.
Does this have to do with Scotland? Celtic warrior anointing? Here?
FROM BARBARA CASSADA Monday, April 07, 2003
You wrote: “Then after waking, writing and going back to sleep I heard in TWILIGHT Sleep: “High and dry on the horses. Take enemies land. Know stock market…know bond market. Altar places have moved!! …Father, His Son – they will take them with you.” Then I am seeing “you will be there with David in transition.”
I find the phrase that you underlined interesting. I find a couple of things significant about this. Churches have built “altars’ to God for ministry and prayer, but because of man’s prideful need to be elevated, God has left a lot of these places. Now God is moving the “altars” to the streets, warehouses, non-impressive structures where the only elevation is God and our need for Him. People hearts are causing altars to be built to the Lord in the most unlikely places. Church as we know it is ineffectual and becoming more and more irrelevant. The only ones that will remain are those who are doing the “work of the ministry” and taking care of the needs of the community with Christ as the center of their priority. David was the transitional King. He made the plans, Solomon built them. Perhaps we are laying the foundation for the next generation. It needs to be firm.