Blessings Watchmen & New England Saints,
Christ in you, the hope of Glory. As Jesus is we are. We Are Revival. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He was a Revolutionary. He turned the world up side down. And still is. Thank you Lord that you are raising up the intergenerational army of the one new man in John 17 unity here in New England for a new kind of revolution – Kingdom Revolution. The royal priesthood: priest, kings, prophets in a true apostolic prophetic five fold team ekklesia. The saints being trained and equipped to do the greater works.
Herewith is the next batch of you tube sessions of Restore & Revive. A huge thank you and gratitude to the New England Alliance and Brandt Gillespie of PrayTV. There is still another batch of you tubes to come.
Enjoy! May the revival fire and glory of God invade each of you with deeper revival fire, hunger and thirst.
Love & Light, Janet
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This is the best teaching I have ever heard on revival, awakening, reformation/restoration