Blessings Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Saints & Friends,
This was an amazing Cyber Symposium. The Symposium team Mike Lindell brought in to lead with him was made up of professionals: whistleblower, physicist, certified cyber guys, lawyers, military. They laid out how the CCP stole the election. Yes, it is complicated, but the presentations brought you into the understanding of the complications. The purpose is to begin the process of bringing integrity to the American election process. On day 1 and 2, Aug 10 and 11, 49 States were represented by State Legislators. In a few cases an authorized representative of the Legislator was sent. On Day 3, August 12, all 50 US States were represented. In a separate room, the cyber guys were given and shown all the data evidence. The sessions focused on educating the legislators and we the people. There were sessions where the cyber guys would show the computer copies and explain what they were doing and seeing. It was in your face reality of what happened. And there was some high drama.
ALL 50 states have been affected. They showed the election count vote alongside the new count after the stolen votes by the machine were adjusted: the votes that were switched from Trump to Biden. They showed CT as having 75,335 votes switched from Trump to Biden. It, of course, did not change the outcome in CT. However, it did change the outcome in the 5 swing states. The point is that every state was affected not only on the Presidential vote, but also down the ballot changing the number and make up of the Senate and House of Representatives.
All the replays of the 3 day symposium can be found at:
I encourage you to watch this. It is mind blowing.
Remember this is just the beginning. It does not change anything right away. We are a country based on the laws of our Constitution. We thank you Lord for all that has been revealed. And Abba Father we ask for mercy and grace and a peaceful process of law to bring justice and truth to the election process here in the US and around the world. Oh, and yes, the son of the President of Brazil spoke to the machine election issues and what has been and is happening in South America.
Bless and protect Mike Lindell, the team, the lawyers, the whistleblower/team, legislators, all those involved and the USA. We continue to watch and pray with you Lord. Keep us in you. We live and move and have our being in you. Glory to Glory. We follow you, Jesus, and come into agreement with YOU as you lead us in this Kingdom Revolution. The battle is the Lord’s.
Love & Light, Janet
And a thank you, blessing and protection to Elijah List who put this out on Elijah List today. See below.
NOTE: If the links do not work, click “read in browser below” or click here:
August 12, 2021
“URGENT! Watch Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium – Now!”
Steve Shultz, Albany, Oregon
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Dear Elijah Streams and Elijah List readers and viewers, This is crucial!! Mike Lindell (of MyPillow) has been horribly and wrongfully attacked. You MUST hear and tell others what he and his team are revealing TODAY about the election!!! Go to: Please watch and share this all over the world. This is hugely important! Please tune-in NOW and watch NOW. Go here: Also, you can watch this video just released on RUMBLE earlier today: Mike Lindell Opens Thursday Cyber Symposium with SHOCKING Developments: Saints, let’s be praying and supporting Mike Lindell’s bold stance right now…he needs our prayers! Blessings, Steve Shultz, Founder of: Enjoy! Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher ****************************** “URGENT! Watch Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium – Now!”Steve Shultz, Albany, OregonWATCH MIKE LINDELL – LIVE RIGHT NOW! Go to: and please forward this and share it with everyone you know!