“I would like to have a Watchmen Stream.”
Thus the Lord spoke audibly on February 12, 2012.
We obey: Immediately I shifted my thinking and the name in obedience to God’s blueprint of a stream of living water. Thus we are a Kingdom Watchmen Stream.
On pondering this I saw that these faithful prophetic watchmen seers and prayer warriors who prophesy, decree, declare, pray, obey and go have the characteristics of a stream. These faithful friends move together like a stream. Their sharing of what God shows and persistent pursuing and advancing in prayer and prophetic action activates a stream of revelation into a living prayer force that transforms darkness into light. It is a moving life-giving stream of light from heaven pouring down like rivers of living water from the East Gate both literally and figuratively. There is a true unity and understanding amongst these friends of God to see that what God reveals is prayed and obeyed. We execute and enforce the Kingdom here on earth that Jesus has already conquered in heaven. There is deep understanding, respect and honor for one another. There is a servant attitude. We share what God is showing us, mobilize the prophesying prayer army and advance His Kingdom through the unity of this revelatory stream. Several of us have known each other for years, our paths, streams of light, crisscrossing over this land; others come to taste and see and come to understand that God has called them as Watchmen, interpreters of the mysteries of God, strategic prayer warriors, sojourners in eternal realms and intercessors. We have sought and continue to seek Creator God’s heart in His Presence and Glory that brings revival, transformation and reformation. These living stones are the faithful committed end time army here in cities and towns in Connecticut, the northeast, the USA , the nations and galaxies. These mighty fearless, courageous leaders are ambassadors of the Kingdom to their church,city, region, state, nation. The Lord of Hosts leads them and backs up His Word. We fellowship regularly as leaders, within our geographic prayer groups and also come together for corporate worship and prayer gatherings. Kingdom Watchmen has trained and equipped special teams that are sent out on strategic assignments to various sites (hundreds) here in Connecticut, New England, NYC, Northeast, USA and nations.
If you are interested in learning more and joining with this end time worshiping prayer army, please contact us at office@kingdomwatchmen.org. We will send your interest and contact information to one of the captains in your area, town, city, state, nation which gathers, sees, trains, equips and mobilizes apostolic prophetic heaven to earth prayer in their region. To receive the Kingdom Watchman prayer alerts, updates, articles, pertinent links, etc. subscribe here.