Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors & Curious Saints,
One of our watchmen, Lydia, called me to report that during her prayer time she heard “High Level Alert” and saw a red fire alarm handle/box. She also had heard about a warning for NYC from a well established prophet. Another watchmen, Kitty, was in a vivid dream encounter and saw a dark storm approaching. She audibly heard from the Lord, “use your power” and she then opened her mouth. She then actually saw wind, the ruah strong Holy Spirit wind, leave her mouth and saw the wind push the storm, which was in the distance, back. She saw the affects of the power that she carried and released. I saw in a warning dream encounter last night a musician (angel) with a trumpet standing in clear see through water up to his thighs. I could see the sand and a few tufts of green marsh grass in the water. There was water all around and behind him. He was looking to me to give him an signal before playing(announce/warn/call the army/church together) to begin to trumpet. I realized that I needed to get the ok signal from this other man (angel) who was standing at what looked like a wall/veil and was listening with his ear to the wall. His hand was in the air palm forward. I knew this was a signal to wait. I waited and watched him while simultaneously watching and signaling to the trumpeter in the water. Then the man/angel at the wall signaled NOW with his right hand pointing the prophetic finger at me. I signaled to the man in the water who then put the trumpet up to his lips to play. He took his time before actually blasting the trumpet. I woke with a start before I heard the blast. Another watchmen, Jim, had a warning dream regarding the Python/Jez spirit and the babies that had been birthed. It had been hiding out, but now has been exposed and is mad and is moving from one place to another.These 4 warnings all happened within 12 hours!!
It is essential that we pray and continue to pray. Pray in tongues. The Lord’s prayer. Ps 91. That the enemy and his plans would be exposed and thwarted. Each and every one of these watchmen/prayer warriors prayed immediately. We are the end time spirtual army of the Lord. We are trained to see, hear, interprete, understand, decree, pray. We execute and act on what we see. Implementing prophetic strategies is how we build the wall and stand before the Lord in the gap on behalf of the land. Ez 22:30.
Watchmen have been seeing warnings regarding current events 2 to 3 days before they have happened. Denise and Donna received words – “hard ” for one and “Bang Bang” for the other. Within one day, headlines read “Hard and “Bang Bang” when the London terrorist attack occurred. Another of our watchmen was in a warning dream encounter of an avalanche. He described it to us on Saturday. Within two days there is news in the papers of the avalanche in Japan. In each of these situations they prayed into what they saw: for the Lord to thwart any enemy plans, to minimize destruction and death, mercy, grace, etc. They did know the country, location, or details but their prayers went forth. This is instruction for us. We do not need to know all the details, Pray immediately and continually until you see it in the papers. And then keep praying.
I thank you for sending me these warnings. The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. And we able to mobilize more prayer and build that wall around CT, NE, NYC.
The you tubes below will prepare you for moving out of the past and into the new. It is time to change our thinking, renew our minds. We have religious spirits to let go of personally before we can see and decree the same for the ekklesia. The you tubes will also prepare you for KGKW vision and mandate for 2017 in a future blog.
Love & Light, Janet
April 5, 2017
Contents of this prophecy prayer blog:
- Prayer Targets
- You Tube: Mark Chironna @ Fire & Glory Awakening
- James Nesbit, Holy Knowing Through Art & Sound
- Unlocking the Prophets II, KGKW gathering, May 13, Sat.
- A Weekend with Randy Clark, May 5 – 7 @ Gateway
Prayer Targets: NYC, CT, NE, Coast Line & USA, State, Town/City Governments & the church. Standing in the gap.
- Blood of Christ: Paint the boundaries and streets
- Ps 91
- Expose & Thwart enemy and plans of the enemy
- Kingdom Come, His Will Be Done
- Government of God
- Let Go of Past. Connect to God’s Heart/Plumbline
- Blueprints for land, towns, cities,
- Overcome the snakes: repent for tolerating that Python/Jez spirit. Overcome and go higher, “come up here”.
- Tongues, as the Spirit leads
This is 4.5 hours long. Mark Chironna & Zorro (5 min drum prophesy) begin at 2:06. 2 hours, 06 minutes. The two hours of worship and Jeremy are also great.
Explosions of Holy Knowing Through Art and Sound with James Nesbit
The Kingdom is within us, so there should be explosions of holy knowing within us. An explosion of holy knowing is a burst of eternal light. Our churches in general have worship as entertainment, but God is empowering His people through the power of prophetic art and worship.
An international speaker, Randy Clark demonstrates the Lord’s power to heal, with great tenacity. With more than 30 years of pastoral experience and 44 years of ministry, Randy’s love for people exudes. Using his extensive educational background, Randy delineates even the most difficult concepts to the layperson. Messages like “God Can Use Little Ole Me”, which illustrates the agonies of defeat and the thrills of victory inherent in the healing ministry and “Spend and Be Spent”, a call to capture your destiny, make it easy to see where Randy’s heart resides. Because of his uncanny humility, Randy’s ministry crosses denominational lines. From the Westminster Chapel in London, to the St. Thomas the Apostle Roman Catholic Church in Australia, Randy has been welcomed into a plethora of different streams.
$40 per person for the month of March
$50 per person beginning April 1