Heavenly Dream Encounter that Revealed the Lord’s Blueprints
Date: September, 17, 18,19 2015
Dream: Transformation & Restoration of swaths of land/city/town in CT
Scene: I am in open heavenly spacious place. I am looking down on a huge rectangular swath of land which resembles an area of CT. It is as if I am looking down on an area CT. Like looking down on a google area map. I see houses, a typical white NE church, businesses, green grass, hills, roads, etc. The swath of land is very rich, bright colors, clean and glistening as it has been all cleaned and polished up. The swatch of land from this height and angle is about 2 to 3 inches representing the upper exposed surface area of the land. The underpart of the swath is brown dirt colored.
New Scene: I am still up in heaven with some angels. We are taking instructions spirit to spirit from the Lord, Jesus. We spread out along the edges of this rectangular swath of land gently keep it stable, up right and in place. We occasionally nudge the swath of land as guided so that it is placed over a very specific are of the actual land which is way below where we are. We move with the huge swath of land as it floats down and over the land below slightly adjusting it so it lands on top of the land below just right. As we are at the edges performing this task for the Lord, I am able to look and see that this swath of land is almost an exact replica of the area where it is to land on the earth. However the land on the earth is nowhere near as bright. It is dingy and old looking. Buildings, particularly come of the office and business buildings are in need of repair, painting, and renovation. As the swath of land gently lands on the replica below, the area of land is totally transformed and restored. Bright, clean, colorful, new. The changes I see are not huge changes structurally. The footprint is similar. However it is renewed and restored, both the building structures and land, landscape. It is like New Jerusalem coming down over it, transforming it and restoring it. Heaven on earth. Beautiful and lovely. Glory to Glory.
I had this same dream for 3 consecutive nights in a row. The only thing that was different was that the huge rectangular swaths of land/town/city was different. It was like there were three areas that were being transformed and restored.
Interpretation Notes: On contemplating, pondering and communing with the Lord about this it became clear that these were the 3 areas that Kingdom Watchmen was in the process of receiving strategy for a specific prayer initiative/assignment. The Lord was revealing His strategy for bringing restoration to the three geographical areas that need cleansing of the defilement of the land/cities/towns that the evil eye had corrupted over the past few decades. All honor and glory is the Lord’s. This heavenly New Jerusalem dream encounter was a major part of understanding and fulfilling the cleansing of the land.