Dream/Supernatural Encounter: Glory Train from Boston to NYC roaring into southeastern CT.
Date: Friday, October 1, 1999
I am on my way to Boston to help a new worker dealing with issues in a new job.
Scene shifts: I am on my way back to CT and have to take the train back. We discover that there is no train leaving then, consequently we walk. There are a few of us, including angels. We are walking along the 95 corridor train tracks and have walked a great distance, at least halfway. We are just over the border in southeastern CT (New London/Groton) where the track parallels Rt 95 and the CT Long Island shoreline. I hear a roar, like a lion, like mighty rushing waters. I think it is the train coming. I turn around to see if I can see the train. I can’t see it. We are still on the track. The train is almost on us, but we can’t see it. I can hear the sound, this huge roar, mighty rushing waters. We dive off the tracks onto our face in a field of golden wheat as far as the eye could see. The golden wheat is ripe, bowed over with light shining like gold. The train is hidden inside a huge glory cloud. We cannot see the train. There is this huge thick misty white cloud roaring down the tracks. It is a thick huge moving cloud of Glory. The sound is deafening. The Glory is swirling and moving throwing off Light.
Then I hear an audible voice, “double or 2 and to keep doing what we are doing.”
INTERPRETATION: This is quite clear. The Glory of the Lord accompanied by the sound of an Apostolic Roar of the Lion of Judah and Rushing Mighty Waters symbolizes Revival, Awakening, Transformation, Reformation & Restoration. The glory train represents a great new move of the Lord, coming from the East – Boston to NYC along the Amtrak train track/Rt 95 corridor/southern border of MA, RI, CT. Southeastern CT is Great Awakening country. This glory train, this great huge move will bring mighty blessings of God on His people and a bountiful harvest/souls as represented by the ripe field of golden wheat. The harvest field was huge. Chuck Pierce prophesied that CT would see a large harvest in 1917 or 18. Walking down the track represents a transition of time, walking with the Lord and continuing to press in for the promise of revival, wakening, harvest and restoration.
Title: Boarding train due to leave at 5:52
Date: Mon/Tues, May 15/16, 2000
I am making my way through train platforms, like at Grand Central Station, NYC. (inter-joining platforms with several tracks merging at this spot) to this special train we are to catch. The train is due to leave at 5:52. I am then waiting on the platform with a group of friends. The train is there. We seem to be rushing to board the train and get seats. I see that other groups are hurrying to get on. They too sit together with their group. We seem to be the first on this car. We take up the end seats of one of the cars. Then, I seem to be back at the door of this car. The conductor then tells us there is plenty of time – that the train would not pull out right away, because it would take time to load all the people who wanted to get on this train. The train was HUGE and very, very LONG. I could not even see the end of the train as I peeked out the train door and looked out. The train went all the way down and around a big long curve. No end of this train in sight. I mentioned to the conductor that it must be a really big train. The conductor (God) said, “there has never been a train so big/long”. I wondered, perhaps out loud, how such a huge long train would corner and make it? And I wondered about the power of the engine to pull this enormous train. The conductor, as if reading my mind, said, “the train would make it just fine!!!”
Interpretation Notes: Again the train, huge and long, represents a movement, revival awakening movement. At the time of this dream, we were experiencing the Toronto blessing here in southeastern CT and RI. And we were praying for revival. It would take a long time to load all the people on the train. This speaks of the passing of time.
Dream Impartation & Vision Encounter: revival prophecy mantle, Thames River, New London/Groton
Date: Sat am, Jan 24, 2015
I am standing in water ankle deep at the edge of the mouth of a river. Suddenly I am taken up into a by the Spirit of the Lord into a whirlwind in a heavenly place. I am feeling mantles being placed on and around me on my shoulder. Then, I am looking down from above and am seeing this mantle being put over two other mantles that are on me. This outside one I am seeing is a whirlwind swirling broad mantle of big wide billowing moving streams of multicolored lights of white gold yellow orange flaming red colors moving around me from my shoulders on an angle down to my hips. The fast whirlwind swirling motion was what kept the steaming lights together as a mantle. It was like a fat wide streaming lights living hula hoop. I heard audibly and understood it was the revival prophecy mantle. Under it were two other mantles; one was white representing purity, the bride, the other was like a light brown/tan monk type mantle that symbolized humility. Then I was beckoned by an angel, young man, and another young man to go to this other room. I follow him to this door. As I entered and went through the door I was immediately catapulted into another dimension. It was a panoramic vision.
In this panoramic vision in the dream I was seeing up above me in heaven a beautiful large clipper ship with all the multiple sails full of wind, then as I moved my eyes to the right I was seeing in heaven a light grey war ship, like a destroyer. Again I looked to my right still up in heaven and was seeing a grey air craft carrior. I kept looking moving my eyes to the right again and saw a black hawk helicopter. These 4 war ships/helicopter in heaven represented ships used during the American Revolution & the War of 1812 ((frigates/clipper sailing ships), WWI (destroyer), WWII (air craft carrier) and black hawk helicopter (latest wars). Each of the war ships had black pvc type/size piping hanging from the bottom other ships. Then I turned eyes to look back at the beautiful clipper sailing vessels. To my surprise I saw that the ship was now sitting on the water.
Interpretation Notes: I went back in the Spirit to the beginning of the dream where I was standing ankle deep on the edge of the water looking again at what I had seen in the dream. I had seen in the dream the horizon line across the large mouth of the river or harbor. I saw on the opposite bank looking east a single gas/oil tank and a two or three story office building. I then physically went to where I thought I had been standing in the dream to confirm the location. I was pretty sure it was the Thames River between New London and Groton. Indeed when there I could see the white gas/oil tank and office building. The prophecy revival mantle came down over the mantles of humility, purity/holiness. The saints needed the attributes of purity, holiness and humility before the Lord would pour out revival. The mantle of revival prophesy is hovering in a whirlwind over the Thames River, New London and Groton area waiting for the church to mature into holiness, purity and humility. Note that this revival will include prophecy. This is new. The war ships are symbolizing two things. 1) war and 2) the history of CT as a parallel to revival, awakening fire. The First Great Awakening swept through the colonies between the 1730’s and 1770’s. The largest areas of this revival was in the New London/Groton area, southeast CT and up the banks of the CT River. This revival brought boldness and Godly thinking of freedom and truth necessary for the American Revolution. Just as the war ships and helicopters were designed, developed and built here in CT and are part of the history of CT, so also revival, awakening and harvest are part of the history of CT. The deposit of revival and awakening is in the land. The war ships were designs first in a person’s mind. Inventions. Put there by the Lord in the creative process of the Spirit of the Lord. Just as the Lord gave Moses the pattern of the Tabernacle of Moses, he also gave the designers patterns for these war ships. They were in heaven prior to being here on earth. Man needed to build what they saw created in the Spirit realm first. Likewise with revival and awakening. It becomes a history of that place. There have been several outbreaks of the beginning of revival and awakening here in CT over the past 20 years. They fizzled out. Man tried like in the past to control it. This confirms so many of the revival awakening dreams and vision so many of us and the prophets have spoken over CT and parts of NE. Yea God. WE have been calling forth revival, awakening and harvest for 17 years now.
From Kingdom Watchmen prayer/prophesy blog: Feb 8, 2015:
God will perform His word in His perfect time. It turns out that Bob Jones also had a vision of the Glory Train as has Jon Hamill. This all lines up and confirms the Glory Train coming down the the 95 corridor plus several other train dreams. The Lord showed me in dreams that the beginnings of the revivals, awakenings we have experienced were going to dwindle, crash and the glory that was there in those few churches were going to leave. One train/movement was going to fast and was not able to round the corner at the speed. The train crashed and fell into the river. Another church tipped over because water flooded the train and it tipped over. The water of the Spirit overflowed and became a flood, destructive from within. Man taking the Glory for himseld? This is all about the Glory Train coming to cities. I am writing all this to urge you to call forth this revival awakening Glory Train and harvest into your city, particularly Boston, Providence, New London/Groton, New Haven, Bridgeport, Stamford, NYC . These are the major port cities along the 95 corridor/Amtrak railroad tracks. This is the tracks that I saw all these train dreams on plus multiple train dreams in NYC – Grand Central Station and lower Manhattan. The time is now. Bob Jones had expected to see what he saw in the Glory Train vision of 2009/2010 on his 85th birthday January 4, 2015. Today! Click on the Elijah list url above and read it. It will build your FAITH. If you can see it you can have it. We have seen it and have been prophesying and decreeing this for years now. Believe. Decree it. Prophesy it. Live it. Revival is in you. Release it. Shout it out. Several of us have been feeling the increase of His Spirit, His Presence, His Glory. Glory to Glory.
I also had a dream encounter where Bob Jones is yelling at me Revival Revival Revival.