Blessings Watchmen, Prayer Warriors & Intercessors
Please find below information on bills coming before the CT Public Committee to remove the religious exemption to mandatory vaccinations for schools, daycares, and colleges; while also setting the stage for a severe restriction on medical exemptions (as in New York and California). Please pray as the Spirit leads and take action.
Love & Light, Janet
We anticipate that the CT Public Health Committee (PHC) will vote on S.B. 568 and H.B. 6423 on Friday, March 26, 2021 at 9:00 a.m., what are expected to be identical bills to remove the religious exemption to mandatory vaccinations for schools, daycares, and colleges; while also setting the stage for a severe restriction on medical exemptions (as in New York and California). You can watch the PHC meeting live here:
YOUR HELP IS NEEDED URGENTLY. Please email the members of the PHC to urge them to vote NO on this unconstitutional proposal, which would infringe not only on our religious freedom guaranteed to us by the First Amendment and Article First of the CT Constitution, but also our children’s right to a free public education guaranteed by Article Eighth of the CT Constitution. The legislation would also deny our children equal protection of the laws in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment and Article First of the CT Constitution, as it would provide a right (education) to some, while denying it to others. Finally, the legislation would disproportionately affect children of color, who often do not have equal access to remote learning technology, and students with special needs, who rely on vital in-person support services and programming.
Here are the email addresses for the PHC members:
TIP: The shorter the better! Legislators are inundated with emails, and they are much more likely to read something that is one paragraph long as opposed to something that is five paragraphs long.
Don’t lose hope. Together we can protect our God-given, inalienable rights. Let’s make Connecticut “The Constitution State” once again!