May 3, 2023
Blessings Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints,
My apologies for the incomplete email that went out yesterday. It was an email in process that was not intended to be sent.
However, Kingdom Watchmen will be having a once a month Zoom interactive Prophesy Reformation Workshop on Thursday evening 6 pm or 7 pm for a couple of hours beginning soon, either in June or July. This workshop will most likely run for 6 to 8 months. This is in obedience to a revelation in an angelic dream encounter announcing a clean, purer stream of the prophetic. Our prayers, repentance, calling forth, decrees, declarations are based on prophetic revelation. I have been going deeper – deep calls to deep – in reading and study of the Word and the prophetic for the past 5 years also in obedience to that angelic dream encounter.
As Watchmen, it is essential for us to rise up, to be part of this cleaner prophetic stream and understand the reformation that is taking place in the prophetic. The prophetic is not going away; it is getting stronger and clearer and is part of the end times Glory Revelation and Fire that is rising up in the midst of darkness.
The watchman function is key; this is the decade of the watchmen. It is evolving into a higher level purer stream with accountability and responsibility. To be the watchmen vessel that carries and releases what the Father is doing and saying requires holiness, purity, humility, wisdom and understanding of this calling. It is a process of deconstruction (unlearning some things) and reconstruction/reformation of deeper Biblical understanding of the watchman (also seer/prophetic) function.
More information will be forthcoming in the next couple of weeks.
Love & Light, Janet