Congressional Prayer Caucus Urges Vanderbilt University to Stop Discriminating Against Religious Student Groups
Your leaders are taking action to ensure the aggressive discrimination against those with Christian beliefs in stopped. There is an ongoing debate about the controversial policy that Vanderbilt University implemented stating that Christian groups must allow their leadership to be of any belief system, religion, etc. Although this is tagged as non-discriminatory policy, they are contradicting their own policy by discriminating against Christian groups that want the freedom to choose their leadership. Members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus have sent two letters to the Chairman and Chancellor; read the first and second letter. Read what Fox News had to say about it. Please contact the Congressional Prayer Caucus to thank them for taking a stand. This is another example of how the State Legislative Prayer Caucuses that the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation are helping launch in states will be effective. In a little over a year we have helped hundreds of legislators in twelve states join with the 105 members of Congress to form the American Prayer Caucus Network.
38 Michigan Lawmakers Assemble to Promote Prayer and Adherence to Judeo-Christian Principles
Michigan state lawmakers gathered in the Capitol rotunda Wednesday afternoon to declare their formation of a Michigan Legislative Prayer Caucus, chaired by Rep Ken Kurtz. The event was attended by U.S. Congressman, Tim Walberg, a member of the Congressional Prayer Caucus. He affirmed the importance of the Prayer Caucus members, “getting together to pray for our nation and to stand with our citizens all across the United States for religious liberties.” The caucus will promote prayer and Judeo-Christian principles, and all lawmakers are welcome to join.
At the kick-off event, legislators shared Bible verses and quotes from American forefathers on the importance of religion. They closed by singing “God Bless America.” Governor Rick Snyder signed a proclamation and Lt. Gov. Brian Calley read a verse from the Book of Romans.
The Michigan Legislative Prayer Caucus is “a nonpartisan body of believers of Scriptural Truth, adhering to established Judeo-Christian principles and religious liberties that were widely practiced by the founders of these United States of America and the state of Michigan,” with the purpose of promoting prayer and praying for wisdom and understanding, according to its declaratory statement.
There are several articles covering the event, and wanted to share with you this one with a short video clip. Please pray for these courageous leaders and contact them to give them your support. Go to to learn more or get involved.
Lea Carawan
Executive Director