Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors,
I have been contemplating the faithfulness, growth and maturity of all of you. It has been a good several years now that we have been learning, growing and praying together. It brought great joy and gratitude to see all the fruit. Yea God! We continue to stand firm and many of you have crossed over into the new. Plus you have an understanding of “new”. I recently received a most interesting dream and subsequent encounter of experiencing what I had seen in the dream the week before. In essence portals and multiple dimensions are opening up. We are seeing and experiencing the fruit of the seer realm. It is now just part of who we are. It was also speaking to an increase in the seer revelation realms which I and others are experiencing. We have been praying into this. A couple of years ago Chuck prophesied that this is the decade of the watchmen. That seer realm is part of being a watchmen. Watchmen were prophets in the Old Testament. KW has taught on that over the years and we will be reviewing and going deeper into these realms in a few weeks.
Meantime below is the link to a Chuck Pierce word and great instruction with clarity for us over the next 3 years. Chuck is with Kent Mattox and Dan Mattox at Word Alive International Outreach in Alabama.
The army, that’s us, is rising up. NOW. Thank you Lord for all the watchmen and prayer army that is rising up and walking in new levels. Walking on the water. Breathing under water. Deep calls to deep.
Love & Light, Janet
PRAYER (speaking of the army rising up)
Re China/Taiwan and Russia/Ukraine military activity and “rumors of war”:
Pray protection over Atlantic Ocean and LI Sound waters and coasts of Maine, NH, MA, RI, CT, NYC, Long Island, NJ right down the 95 corridor coast line.
- PS 91; the blood of Christ; light shield from heaven to center of earth; canopy of the Lord’s light shield over New England, New York, NJ
- The Lord’s Wisdom and Revelation for world leaders
- Godly counsel for world leaders
- Speak Peace of the Lord over land, coast line, waters, USA, China, Russia, North Korea and all the nations
- Kingdom of God to prevail.
- Jesus rules and reigns over this situation
- Open portals over the Watchmen, prayer warriors, intercessors and the ekklesia.
Click “read in browser” for the you tube or
Chuck Pierce Word & Teaching