* HAPPY GLORIOUS PASSOVER & RESURRECTION CELEBRATIONS KINGDOM WATCHMEN FAMILIES & FRIENDS God saw that the light was good. So God distinguished the light from the darkness. Gen 1:4 Oy to those who call evil good and good evil, who present darkness as light and light as darkness, who present bitter as sweet, and sweet as bitter! Isaiah 5:20 Yeshua spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the […]
Prophetic Dateline | Chris Reed $50 Dream with Cindy/Mike Jacobs & Chuck Pierce
Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints, Please click below the recent Prophetic Date Line with Cindy/Mike Jacobs and Chuck Pierce with Chris Reed. More revelation, understanding and wisdom is revealed as they share and discuss Chris’s recent dream of the $50 bill and newspaper headlines. Love & Light, Janet https://www.kingdomwatchmen.org/category/blog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVjcJZGvNQ4&t=228s I just like […]
Watchmen Warning Dreams | Pray & Prepare
Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints, Chris Reed’s warning dream below is real and timely. There are two points that I would like to communicate regarding warning dreams in general and the particular issue here of the dollar decreasing in value known as inflation. Warning dreams in general have not been welcomed, received and/or […]
Word of Encouragement | Cindy Jacobs
Word of Encouragement For You Cindy Jacobs Hi, everyone. I want to tell you about a little vision I had. Actually, I was in church on Sunday and I had this incredible vision of a container of water, but it was very cloudy. It looked very polluted. I felt like this symbolized the problems in […]
Global Call to Purim Prayer | Lamplighter Ministries
Blessings Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Please find below the Global Call to Purim Prayer sent out by Jon & Jolene Hamill’s Lamplighter Ministries. This is so right on target during this season. The Lord gave me a few prophetic dreams from 15 to 22 years ago that are applicable to the current world crisis. Over […]
Dutch Sheets & Tim Sheets March 4 & 6 | Time Lapse Map: 1000 years of European Borders Change |
Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Stand Firm. In Him We live and move and have our being. Christ in us the hope of Glory. Revelation and strategic scrolls are falling from heaven to reveal His plans and blueprints. Luke 3:4 As it is written in the scroll of the words of Isaiah the prophet, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Prepare […]
State of the Union: Dutch Sheets Give Him 15 | Conflict of Nations: Chuck Pierce, Prophetic Dateline
Blessings Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints, It is a very confusing time with so much conflicting propaganda information as this new narrative unfolds about the treacherous Russia/Ukraine situation. The people suffer. I found Dutch’s and Frank Amedia’s article and Chuck with Cindy and Mike Jacobs on Prophetic Dateline to be right on. Love & Light, […]
Key Prophecies! | Chuck Pierce | A War to Recover All! Breaking the Power of the Misfire!
Blessings Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, The Lord is performing His Word. We are seeing Chuck Pierce’s word of November 2021 released at the Global Prophets Summit unfolding now. Listen to that word and Daniel’s dream below. We actually listened and studied this word in our weekly Thursday apostolic/prophetic strategic prayer meeting. A portion of Chuck’s […]
2022 Word of the Lord | Bishop Bill Hamon | Prayer: Prophesy, Declare
Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints, Bishop Hamon is known as the Father of the restoration of prophesy. I have been watching and listening to Christian International’s Watchmen conference for over 18 years now. In those days up to and including this year Chuck Pierce and Cindy Jacobs have spoken at both the Watchmen […]
Chuck Pierce Word & Teaching | Prayer Targets
Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, I have been contemplating the faithfulness, growth and maturity of all of you. It has been a good several years now that we have been learning, growing and praying together. It brought great joy and gratitude to see all the fruit. Yea God! We continue to stand firm and […]