Blessings Watchmen & Prayer Warriors, First and foremost HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA HAPPY 4th OF JULY WE CELEBRATE AND WORSHIP OUR GOD FOR THE USA DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AND USA CONSTITUTION GLORY TO GLORY CLICK ABOVE FOR ROUSING JULY 4th WORSHIP _______________________________________________________________________________ Next, Pastor Dana Coverstone’s prophetic dream “What is Coming to […]
Charlie Shamp & Team in Seattle’s CHOP Zone | Prophetic Evangelism Testimonies PRAY for this team the Government/Kingdom of God to invade this CHOP Zone the Blood Glory Fire
WISDOM – Words of Wisdom Revelation & Strategic Prayers
Blessings faithful watchmen, prayer warriors and intercessors, We live and move and have our being in HIM. As He (Jesus) is we are. It is a season to stay in His REST and peace in the midst of the chaos. The shaking continues. Remember we have been praying for the Light to reveal the darkness. […]
NOW Prophetic Word – Lana Vawser
Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, This is a right on word for this season. Chuck Pierce also had a similar word regarding chaos in May, June, July, August and that in August we would begin to hear a clearer word in this nation. Several of us have had similar warning dreams, visions, encounters. This […]
Pentecost 2020 | Revelation & Prophecy
Blessings Glory to Glory Kingdom Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints, Leaders, In the midst of this “selah” season, the Lord is moving in power and revelation. And so many leaders, ministries and churches are soaking the internet and communication lines with the Presence of the Lord in both the visible and invisible realms with worship, […]
Prophetic Word, Lana Vawser | Prayer Alert
Blessings Faithful Watchmen & Prayer Warriors, A few of the watchmen have received dreams and words similar to the word below by Lana Vawser. Particularly that His Light is being carried outside the church into all the world. Along the highways and byways. It is a season to push into what Abba Father is saying […]
Live FB Worship Prophetic Gatherings with Chuck Pierce: April 30th & May 1 | Replay Prophetic Dateline | The Return, Fall 2020, DC Mall
TOMORROW AT 7 PM Facebook LIVE April 30 7pm LIVE on NY Apostolic Prayer Network Facebook page On April 30, 1789, George Washington, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States. _______________________________________________________________________ You are invited to […]
Prophesy | Nations | Realignments
Blessings Glorious Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints, Leaders, Well, my friends, this blog is focused on China. It is about understanding the enemy of communism (yet again) vs the freedom and truth of the USA Democratic Republic Government. This will help all to understand more about this huge new era transition we have crossed […]
Prophetic Reminders for CT | Prophesy Decree Declare
Blessings Glorious Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, We continue to pray Divine Health, Strength, Crossing Over Courage, Boldness, REST and Prohetic Destiny to each one. It is so important to keep ourselves strengthened in the Lord and awake and full of hope for the future during this season of huge transition. There is a reset happening. […]
Big Brother Is Watching You | Constitutional Wars | Prayer Targets | Chuck Pierce Events April 30th & May 1st
Blessings Glory Fire Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Saints, Leaders, Since the 1960’s our USA Constitution and Christian culture has been continually eroding particularly in our national and state governments. It has been sneaking through the Judicial branch as case law has changed the meaning of the original intent of the Constitution, not to even mention socialism. […]