Blessings Faithful Watchmen, It has been a wild week in the Spirit. This word by Lana Vawser expresses what I have seen and experienced. This morning while worshipping and dancing in church, I found myself stomping with the angels in heaven all over and across the USA. The war dance was intercession (as it usually […]
KW Testimony | Prophecy | Event
Catapuled Into the New! WOW. God is on the move as the roaring Lion of Judah. Blessings Glorious Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints, WOW … God is moving. We have been catapulted into the new. Cindy Jacobs prophesied that with installation of Supreme Court Judge, Neil Gorsuch, death passed over USA. Can you discern the […]
High Level Alert, Unlocking Prophets II Gathering & More
Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors & Curious Saints, One of our watchmen, Lydia, called me to report that during her prayer time she heard “High Level Alert” and saw a red fire alarm handle/box. She also had heard about a warning for NYC from a well established prophet. Another watchmen, Kitty, was in a vivid dream […]
Prophetic Word: Divine Generosity & Prosperity
Blessings Glorious Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, I found the prophesy below most timely and right on for the church as we move into this next season of communion, watching, prayer, decreeing from the throne of the Lord. We are seated with Him in heavenly places. We push in His Light from that place where we […]
Chuck Pierce: 10 Days Decreeing Your Land & Boundaries
Blessings Faithful Watchmen & Prayer Warriors, These 10 days of decreeing is important for the next 10 days leading up to Purim. We are doing a lot of praying; it is essential that we also take care to keep ourselves pure and holy, moving in the fruit of the Spirit and moving forward into our […]
URGENT Overwatch National Prayer Call plus GOZ School of the Prophets
Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, I know all of you are on the WATCH and are praying over our newly elected Government. It is what we do. Also, many of you are completing the 28 days to develop a new blessing cycle and have been drafted into the cockcrowing watch. Last night, rather early morning, was […]
7 Mountain Mandate – Question for each you?
Blessings Glorious Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, As most of you know I am the CT Leader for HAPN (Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network. HAPN is a high level strategic apostolic prophetic national and international prayer network. Several of you have been part of several of their national initiatives here in CT, MA, NYC. Currently HAPN is developing […]
Prophetic Words . Prayer Targets . Apostolic NE Events
Blessings Glorious Faithful Watchmen/Prayer Warriors/Intercessors, As you all are very aware, it has been quite the interesting season of Governmental transition personally, corporately, regionally and nationally. I will try to stay above the worldly natural issues of politics. We are of course seeing, hearing and praying from the Lord’s perspective in the heavenly realms. It is […]
New 28-Day Blessing Cycle by Chuck Pierce & Linda Heidler
Blessings Beloveds of the Lord, May you all be encouraged to read, study and pray through Chuck Pierce’s and Linda Heidler’s 28-Days to Develop a New Blessing Cycle. I do not know about you, but I am going to be sure to finish, complete and move fully into the new this season. We need to […]
Jonathan Cahn’s Speech @ Presidential Prayer Breakfast
Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Leaders & all Saints, All of you have faithfully and freely given your time, energy and revelation in prayer for ‘such a time as this’ for years. For some of us we have been praying together for 20 plus years for revival (reformation/restoration) in this land of the USA. […]