for we walk by faith, not by sight—2 Cor 5;7 . HAPPY GLORIOUS FOURTH OF JULY . HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA . GOD SHED HIS GRACE ON THEE American Minute Independence Day Greatest Revolution Ever In the World’s History
Connecticut ALERT
Blessings watchmen, prayer warrior monks, intercessors, saints, When I watched what I have sent below, I was shocked. As one of you watchmen, we had not seen this either in the Spirit, dreams or visions, or in the natural. I had briefly heard whisperings about this in New Haven 15 to 20 years ago. One […]
Justice Clarence Thomas…Created Equal
Blessings Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints, Thank you faithful watchmen for your prayers and your watching from which our Lord blesses us with his heart to pray in agreement with him. This Clarence Thomas tubi movie will open a new place in your heart that the Lord is entrusting to you for this nation. A […]
New Era Education Conference | Equipping . Education . Reformers | Rick Joyner, Chuck Pierce, Chris Reed
Blessings Beloved Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints, This New Era Education Conference is a creative solution to the deteriorating education system/mountain here in America. Here is assistance, training, equipping and a path to reformation in the education system. It is glorious to see the church leading the way. We can no longer just watch and […]
Platinum Jubilee LIVE: The Queen’s Birthday Parade
Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints, I thought a bit of English Royal Pageantry Parade Celebration would be uplifting. Queen Elizabeth is an amazing Queen. Enjoy. Love & Light, Janet Platinum Jubilee LIVE: The Queen’s Birthday Parade
Being His Light | Prayer Targets
Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints, I had planned to sent this excellent word, article and prayers from Jennifer LeClaire out to you yesterday. Then I saw on the news the horrific mass murder of children and teachers in the Texas elementary school. Our hearts are broken for these families and the town. We […]
Blood Moon | @ Midnight Hour | Lamplighter Jon & Jolene Special Broadcast | May 15, Sun
Blessings Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, This is a must watch, listen and engage. Revelation is flowing and happening quickly. Do you remember the Blood Moons and Apostolic Explosion visitation that we have been talking about over the years, had a KW gathering on and been praying into for 22 years? This is linked to Jon […]
National Day of Prayer | National & State Information/Events Near You
2022 Theme: Exalt the Lord who has Established Us Thursday, May 5th, 2022 . A huge thank you to Rev Sheila Kimball, CT state NDP leader and the county teams who have outdone prior years where every town was covered in prayer. CT has 169 towns. There are 185 various prayer gatherings with towns have […]
Passover Crossover Greetings | Glory of Zion 5782 Passover Celebration April 15 – 17 plus
* HAPPY GLORIOUS PASSOVER & RESURRECTION CELEBRATIONS KINGDOM WATCHMEN FAMILIES & FRIENDS God saw that the light was good. So God distinguished the light from the darkness. Gen 1:4 Oy to those who call evil good and good evil, who present darkness as light and light as darkness, who present bitter as sweet, and sweet as bitter! Isaiah 5:20 Yeshua spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the […]
Prophetic Dateline | Chris Reed $50 Dream with Cindy/Mike Jacobs & Chuck Pierce
Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints, Please click below the recent Prophetic Date Line with Cindy/Mike Jacobs and Chuck Pierce with Chris Reed. More revelation, understanding and wisdom is revealed as they share and discuss Chris’s recent dream of the $50 bill and newspaper headlines. Love & Light, Janet I just like […]