Blessings Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints,
This is a most interesting word of correction. We now have a living example of a testing of a specific prophetic word where by the prophet stands by her word. This blog serves as continued deeper learning regarding our responsibility and accountability to test prophetic words.
Thank you Cindy Jacobs and the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. The prophetic is truly experiencing a much needed reformation. As you may or may not recall, this is something we have been studying, going deeper and praying into in obedience to an angelic encounter in a dream speaking a warning of a polluted stream of the prophetic and a cleansing and reformation that is coming to the prophetic – which we are now in the midst of. And also be reminded that the prophetic will accompany the coming revival, awakening, harvest and restoration and prophetic evangelism. Again, in obedience to dreams.
Be sure to click and listen to the statement and discussion with Cindy Jacobs, Bishop Hamon, Patricia King, Jennifer LeClaire and others. You will glean much.
Global Prophetic Alliance
Regarding“Statement from ACPE-16November 2024”
This past weekend, there was a public renunciation of some false prophesies given by a prophet in another nation concerning President Trump and our nation. It is His passion for us to push through our failures and the fear of man, and ask for a greater measure of His presence and power through the prophetic gifts.
For Wanda’s you tube False Prophecies & God’s Response click on “Read on Browser” below and scroll down to the youtube video & graphic
• Cindy Jacobs Denounces False Trump Pr… click here
JENNIFER LECLAIRE article on Naming Names :…
PATRICIA KING (unpacking false prophesies) • Unpacking False Prophecy