Blessings Faithful Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Saints,
Bishop Hamon is known as the Father of the restoration of prophesy. I have been watching and listening to Christian International’s Watchmen conference for over 18 years now. In those days up to and including this year Chuck Pierce and Cindy Jacobs have spoken at both the Watchmen conference and the Word of the Lord conference. It was through this ministry that I began to understand the relationship between dreams, visions (seer prophetic), and strategic prayer. This led to the understanding of the watchmen prophet, particularly through Martha Lucia’s book, The Watchmen, which many of you have read and/or have heard the teaching.
Bishop Hamon’s timely word also addresses the current tension and talk of WWIII. Likewise in 2003 I received a short dream where I hear a woman (symbolizes the prophetic) say audibly “there is going to be war”. Then I am seeing myself as a child with my paternal grandfather who was in WWI. Then I hear and see 2 Cor 6.
Interpretation Notes: I was with this grandfather as a child watching a spontaneous victory parade in Quincy, MA celebrating the end of WWIII. Because of the scenes in the dream encounter symbolizing WWI & WWII to this grandfather and the parade, I sensed the war I was hearing could be WWIII.
The word and 2 Cor 6 seem linked in that 2 Cor 6 speaks to who we are in Christ and alliances. We need to separate ourselves from evil. As you read and ponder the word, prophesy and declare it over yourselves, your families, church, CT, USA, nations.
Love & Light, Janet
- Bishop Hamon’s word for 2022
- Prayer: Prophesy and Declare the word/scriptures for 2022
Speak PEACE WISDOM AND REVELATION over ALL nations and the situation over Ukraine - Portion of 2 Cor 6
I first started giving the word of the Lord for the year in 1988. In the beginning, I was giving it just for Christian International Ministries. I can still remember the subject of that first one, “Update, Relate and Activate”. In the following years, it expanded to cover the corporate church, nations, and the world. Other ministers began to do the same thing.
I have files on the prophetic words for most of the 34 years. I noticed in reading over 10 years of those words that a pattern developed. Prophecies for the next year did not always come to pass fully in that year, but they did over the next few years. I asked the Lord about that and He said the prophetic word is indicating a new season of things happening and God moving in a new way. That word remains active for years to come. Keep believing and you will reap the prophetic promises.
As we read the prophecies in the prophetic books of the Old Testament, we read of judgments of God being spoken yet in that same chapter it speaks of healing and restoration. You must discern and determine the times for each to be fulfilled. It’s like determining the times of God’s visitations to mankind on earth. My main prophetic insight is for the Church of Jesus Christ. Since 1955 I have taught on the restoration of the Church. I spent 20 years in research and three years in writing my first book, called “The Eternal Church.” It covers all the Restoration movements during 500 years of Church Restoration. It covers the nine Church restoration movements from the Protestant Movement in 1517 to the Charismatic Movement which was the last movement by the time my book was published in 1981. I then gave prophetic insight that there would be two more major movements before the Second Reformation was completed.
The Prophetic-Apostolic was birthed in 1988. The Saints Movement was birthed in 2007. That completed the restoration movements that were to take place during the Second Reformation. God then revealed that there was a Third Reformation being activated in 2008. The purpose of the First Reformation was to birth the Church, establish it on a firm foundation, and then take it to the ends of the earth. The Second Reformation was to restore into the Church all that was lost during the1000 year Dark Age. Acts 3:21. The Third Reformation will fulfill all the prophetic scriptures necessary for the release of Jesus from heaven to return to earth as King of Kings and Lord of lords. The Church was activated into the warring Army of The Lord in 2016.
The next and possibly the last movement will be the “The Kingdom Establishing Movement”. Mattt.24:14. The Ecclesia will demonstrate the Kingdom of God with such power and mighty signs and wonders causing every nation to become a sheep or goat nation, which prepares the way for Jesus to fulfill Matthew 25:31. Then the end will come, and all final things are done as King Jesus leads His great army of Saints to fulfill Rev. 19:11-21.`
While seeking God for the message He wanted me to minister at our 34th annual International Gathering of Apostles & Prophets (IGAP) on October 18, 2021, God spoke something strictly from His heart and mind to me. Tell everyone of My children that I will be visiting them sometime during the next six months. The purpose will be to “Settle Accounts” with every believer as the Master did with every servant as described in Matthew 25:14-30. The master gave five talents (5000 gold coins-TPT). He gave the amount that he knew the servant could manage. He gave another servant Two talents (2,000 gold coins) according to his ability to manage what he had been given. The third servant he gave one talent (1000 gold coins) based on the master’s knowledge of the ability of the servant to manage what had been given. The money was not a bonus for their personal use but a commitment for them to carry on the business of the master while he was gone.
The five-talented servant was a faithful steward in using what he had received and had doubled what was put in his account, the account now showed 10,000 gold coins. The servant given two talents showed the account balance to the master and he had made increase from 2,000 gold coins to 4000. The master said the same to both servants. “Well done good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, now I will give you many more responsibilities. Begin the joyous tasks I have assigned to you.” The Master said about the same to the two-talented servant. “You have been faithful over this small amount, so now I will give you much more.” Matt. 25:23 LB.
The third servant who had received one talent-1000 gold coins came before the master for the settling of his account. He told the master that he was afraid to do business with the money, so he dug a hole and hid it in the ground. I was afraid of how you would respond if I did not make a profit, so here is the money exactly what you gave me. The master was very disappointed and disgusted with the servant’s attitude about him and his lack of not using what he was given. He called him (words from several translations) you unprofitable servant, lazy, fearful, wicked, useless, and unfaithful servant. The settling accounts with this servant of the master were not pleasant or positive. Here is what the master said to the servant who neglected to use what the master had entrusted to him. “Take the money from this man and give it to the man with 10,000. For the man who uses well what he is given shall be given more, and he shall have abundance. But from the unfaithful man, even what little responsibility he has shall be taken from him. And throw the useless servant out into outer darkness: there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
During the six months from the end of October till the end of April 2022, God is going to examine each Child of God to see what we have done with that which God has invested within us. This is especially true of those whom God is considering using mightily in these last days. Some Christians think that they are in good standing with God as long as they are not doing anything wrong, that is, not committing any sins of Commission. But children of God can get in bad standing with God by committing any sins of Omission, that is failing to do what you are supposed to be doing or neglecting to use what God has invested in you, or fulfilling God’s calling for you. King Saul lost his kingly succession and received demonic oppression because he did not do everything prophesied to him by Prophet Samuel.
The New Testament is clear and emphatic about the sin of Omission by Christians, especially those in 5-fold ministry and leadership. The greater your position the higher the standards of righteousness and obedience. James 3:1, “We who teach are held to a much higher standard.” 1Timothy 4:14 Neglect, not the gift that is within you. 2 Tim1:6 Stir up the gift; Heb.2:3,4 How shall we escape if we neglect to receive the fulness of our salvation1? 1 Cor.12:7 Manifestation of the Spirit is given to every saint…what are you manifesting? Eph.4:7,8 Jesus ascended on high and gave gifts to men. John 10:10 Jesus gave us eternal life, the life of Christ and that more abundantly. Acts 2:4 Jesus gifted us with our spirit language…How many of the 70 reasons for speaking in tongues are we using? Phil.3:14; Keep pressing toward the goal of Christian maturity, going from glory to glory until conformed to Christlikeness, the fulness of the maturity of Christ Himself. 2 Cor.3:18; Eph.4:13. Remember, that the lazy, fearful, and useless servant who neglected to take the responsibility to use what he was given from his Master was removed from his ministry, cast out, and put in a position that was so miserable that there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.
The encouraging word is that those who pass the “Settling Accounts” examination by Jesus have a glorious future. They have proven to be using all that God has invested into them. They are progressively maturing into Christlikeness. They are growing and multiplying and zealously pressing on to be and do all Christ Jesus has called them to do and be. They will receive the new and greater release of God’s glory and power to demonstrate the Kingdom of God in the nations. They will co-labor with the Holy Spirit in bringing about the consummation of the ages and the fulfilling of all prophetic scripture for the victorious return of Jesus Christ as the warrior King of kings establishing His kingdom over all the earth!
There will be many things happening in the Spring of 2022, especially around April. Angels will be busy carrying out God’s new decrees concerning individuals and nations. It will activate the alignment of nations for God’s end-time prophetic fulfillment. There will begin to be confusion and contention in the nations. The leaders of the world will be wondering who is about to do what. It will look like things will be going in one direction and suddenly they will start going the other way. There will be discussions of World War 111 as Russia, China, and other nations start saying and doing things that have the potential of starting a world war.
The Third and Final Reformation was activated in the Church in 2008. It began the making of the final Great Awakening. I published a book that explains what this is all about. Here is a quote from page 141. “The prophets and apostles are seeing on the horizon of God’s purpose for His Church a Reformation wave of such incomprehensibly gigantic proportions—like a thousand-foot tidal wave—that it staggers the imagination and faith of both those who have prophetically seen it and those who have heard of it. The Saints Movement of 2007 activated the beginning of the great swelling of the wave and launched the Church into the period of the Third and Final Reformation and Great Awakening in 2008. In 2016 the Army of The Lord was activated, and NOW in 2022 the first phase of the wave shall BEGIN overflowing the Church in many nations.
Just as previous Great Awakenings have occurred during times of division in the land, economic shaking, pandemics, and moral decline, so the stage is being set for the Greatest Awakening the Church has ever experienced and earth has ever seen in which billions, not just millions, come to Christ, signs, wonders, and miracles as the saints demonstrate the Kingdom of God and nations are changed.
Isaiah 51:9-11: AWAKE, AWAKE! 0’ arm of the Lord, put on your strength! AWAKE, as in the ancient days when you did great miracles and gloriously delivered your people!
Isaiah 51:17: AWAKE, AWAKE! 0’ Church, stand up! Your days of judgment are finished and now it is time for you to destroy your enemies and repossess your land.
Isaiah 52:1-3: AWAKE, AWAKE! Put on your strength 0’ Zion (God’s present truth advancing people). Put on your beautiful garments. Shake yourself free from the dust ARISE! Loose yourself from the bonds of your neck.
A R I S E, A R I S E!
Isaiah 60:1-3: ARISE and shine for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is RISEN upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the LORD shall ARISE over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. (V.7And I will glorify the house of my glory.) The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your RISING!
The victorious Church will get brighter and brighter with the glory.
The nations that are not destined to be sheep nations will become darker. –
Isaiah 60:1: Arise and SHINE for your LIGHT has come and the GLORY of the LORD has risen upon you.
Mt.13:43; Then shall the righteous SHINE forth like the sun
Dan.`12:3 They that be wise shall SHINE as brightness of the sun.
Mt.5:16: Let your LIGHT so SHINE before men that they might see.
Jn.5:35: Jesus was a burning and SHINNING LIGHT. (as HE is we are…so we are a burning and SHINING LIGHT)
Prov.4:18 The path of the just is like the SHINNING sun, that SHINES brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.
Is.60:22: “ A little one shall become a thousand and a small one strong nation. I, the LORD, will hasten it in its time”.
(“It’s Time” is now in this Third Reformation.) Apostle Peter declared that we can “hasten the coming of the day of God! 1 2Pet.3:13
Zech.12:8: in THAT DAY (Day of 3rd Reformation) the Lord will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem (Church); the one who is feeble among them in THAT DAY shall be like David, and the house of David shall be like God-Jesus Christ. John 14:12.
Joshua 23:9,10: For the LORD has driven out before you great and strong nations; but as for you, no one has been able to stand against you to this day. ONE MAN of you shall chase a THOUSAND, for the LORD your God is He who FIGHTS for you.
GIDEON’s 300 putting 300,000 to flight.
Mt.11:11: Jesus said John the Baptist was the greatest man born of woman, but those demonstrating the kingdom of God (during the 3rd Reformation) even the least among them will be counted greater than John the Baptist.
John 11:12TPT: From the moment John stepped into the scene until now, the realm of heaven’s kingdom is bursting forth, and passionate people are taking hold of its power.
Mark 1:14,15TPT: “Later on John, the Baptizer was arrested. Jesus went back into the region of Galilee and preached the wonderful gospel of God’s Kingdom. His message was this: “At last the fulfillment of the age has come! It is time for FOR God’s kingdom to be experienced in its fulness!” Amen, During this 3rd Reformation!!!!!
Thank you Bishop Hamon.
2 Cor 6
Preserving Sanctity in God’s Temple 2 Cor 14 – 18
(this is a season of “settling accounts”, being weighed in the balance)
14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.[c] For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? 15 What harmony does Messiah have with Belial[d]? Or what part does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 16 What agreement does God’s Temple have with idols?[e] For we are the temple of the living God—just as God said,
(Speak this over yourself, KW, your church/ekklesia)
“I will dwell in them and walk among them;
and I will be their God,
and they shall be My people.
17 Therefore, come out from among them,
and be separate, says Adonai.
Touch no unclean thing.
Then I will take you in.
18 I will be a father to you,
and you shall be My sons and daughters,
says Adonai-Tzva’ot.”Tree of Life Translation